Page 11 of Code Bravo

"Oh shit!" His words finally sink in. "You guys are spies!" I am so over my head and no amount of research is going to help me now. I'm just fucked! Sent up the creek without a paddle! They may know how to kill a man with a tic tac but me, someone who can barely stand in heels and is just a normal, regular person...I'm fucked!




If Remy wasn't driving the fucking truck, I would smack him in the back of the fucking head. He's up front giggling his ass off at the panicked look crossing Carson's face. I'm sure there was a better way of telling Carson what I did for a living but I can't think of it. And Remy was no fucking help. I saw the look he gave me in the mirror. He was going to leave it up to me how much Carson does or doesn't know.

"We're more of the Special Operations Group than spooks. We went in when no one else would and did the things no one else wanted to do."

God, I want her to understand.

"But we don't do that anymore. We're retired." Oh, now he speaks up.

"I hate to tell you guys this...but I don't think they want to leave you all retired. I'm pretty sure whoever sent those guys to my house is trying to tell you that men like you all don't 'retire' without it meaning a body bag is involved."

She sits back after putting Remy in his place and stares out the window for the next little while. After a while, I notice she is slouched against the window. She didn't get any sleep last night. How could she? Everyone and their cousin was in my house asking questions and making plans. Her home was blown up and she was surrounded by strangers. Not to mention the people who were sent to kill her just to get to me.

I scoot her as close as her seat-belt will allow and then pull her head down so she can fully lean on me. It gives me plenty of time to stare at her innocent, upturned face. The soft curve of her cheek, her plump lips, the sweet fan of her breath against my neck all make it hard for me to focus on anything else but her.

I look up and spot Remy looking at me in the rearview mirror again. He's got a smart-assed smirk across his face. "You got hit, man."

I cock my eyebrow at him, "Hit?"

"By the same train everyone else in the unit seems to be getting hit by. Jack, Jim - our fearless leader himself, Ace - that ugly son of a bitch. It comes barreling out of nowhere and mows you down...BAM! You're in love!"

"Scary shit isn't it?" He says it scares him but his eyes say something different. I wonder if our unit's ladies man is feeling the mating urges like the rest of the men who’ve fallen before him. Steve sitting in the seat next to him doesn't look like Remy. He really does look scared as shit about the prospect of losing your heart forever, allowing it to walk and breathe outside of your body under no control of your own. That’s what love is all about, right?

I ask about the rest of the men in the unit. How Lexi, Jack's fiancé, is doing? It's been a couple of weeks since I've seen any of them. I could have stayed with any of them, or at the big house that everyone seems to gravitate to when something is wrong. Hell, I could have built a house on the property the team owns.

I just needed to put some space between me and them for a little while. To find out if I could be normal. I'd been thinking about going back to school for my doctorate, but I've been dragging my feet. I'm not sure if I can be...normal. I'm not sure if I can go back to being a civilian after years of conditioning to be something else...something more. I was hoping this new start would be enough to tell me if I could or not.

I was hoping the trouble the men were having wouldn't come knocking on my door. But it seems that is not to be. I look down at the woman sleeping on my arm. Her soft, innocent face turned up to me. Her softness is what draws me to her. My mind drifts back to the altercation in her house and the second her towel slipped. One of the reasons I ran through the men was because of how pissed I was at being interrupted when that happened.

I came in to apologize to her, not thinking about how odd it would look that I was in her house, that I knew the things about her that I did - like where she and her date were going. And then all hell broke loose. The silent alarm I set up on her porch got tripped and I knew we didn't have a lot of time for things like apologies...or explanations of why I was in her house when she clearly locked the door behind her when she came home...or why I just happened to have a key so I myself wouldn't trip the not so silent alarm I put on her door.

I didn't think of the excuses I would have to come up with when I reached out to grab her when she popped out of her room in nothing but a fucking towel. It was like throwing gasoline on a fire. I went from mildly annoyed about these dumb asses causing issues for me to absolute rage at the thought any of them might see something they weren't supposed to if the towel slipped. And then the damned thing slipped.

Not only did I have to put up with a full-fledged raging hard on but I couldn't do a damned thing about it other than just let my eyes roam over all that beautifully rounded skin. It sent me to a level of pissed off that I had never been before. Frustration and anger both rose up so fast and hard that I fell back on what I had been trained to do...kill - neutralize the target.

So much for being a normal guy who can fit in with people. If being what I am makes it so I can keep my little neighbor safe and happy then normal can go fuck off. Having her safety jeopardized has taught me that I would do anything for Carson. Anything! Including embracing who I really am.




I wake up slumped over on Ezra like someone told me to reenact the final moments of a JFK movie which would be hella insensitive if you know...I wasn't being threatened with death. Right now I'm thinking me and John could end up buddies in some afterlife canasta game if I don't play my cards right. Not that I need to keep thinking about card games or anything.

I'm only slightly embarrassed by the fact I might have been drooling on a hot as fuck guy who just happened to tell me he was a government spy. I don't have a lot of time to dwell on it since the view in front of me takes away my power of speech. They told me we were going to a place we could pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend so we can lure the bad people out. No one told me it would be...this.

It's fucking beautiful! It's right on the beach and three stories high. Not only can I hear the sound of waves crashing on shore I can stand on tiptoes and see those said waves. When I reach the porch which wraps around the entire house and the door is opened for me I start wondering if this is going to work at all.

The woman who opens the door is a fucking knockout. Red hair, luminescent skin, and light eyes all greet me with the most sincere smile I have ever seen. Why didn't she play the girlfriend? It would have gone over better and been more believable.

"Are you sure it's going to be okay with the owners if we have Jack here?"