Page 24 of Code Bravo

I bring my laptop, my trusted friend and work associate, around and hit Moofon in the side of the head with it. We hit the floor when she launches herself at me, both of us falling. She's dropped the gun but that doesn't mean she's not still dangerous. She gains the upper hand and straddles me. Then...she slaps me.

What kind of fucking spy is she? She actually slaps me. Like a prom queen on a competitor who just went for her crown. So, I draw back and punch her. I catch her right in the side of the head too. And follow that up with the heel of my hand to her nose. Goodbye pretty, hello black eyes for days.

When Muffle falls to the side I've reached my knees to give her another punch to the side of the head, but she is still quick even if she’s addled. She reaches for the gun and gets to it first and points it at me. Again. I stop short and try to see the silver lining in all of this. At least Ana is safe. She's got plenty of time to reach safety.

I close my eyes tight and wait but when the crack of the gun comes and the bang echoes in my ears it's not me that's been hit. At least it doesn't feel like I have. I would imagine - and have read in numerous research articles - that it feels hot and sharp. When I open them after not feeling that burn it's to see Muffy falling to the floor before me, a bloom of red spreading quickly from where she lays.

Before I can say a word I am swept up and carried to the bed. Hands brush over me checking for damage. Hands I know all too well.

"Are you alright? Are you okay?"

I nod to show him I am indeed alright. Well, alright from anything she could do to me. He pulls back slightly when I nod for him.

"Where the hell did you learn to fight like that?"

He did see me take Muffler down like a real-life badass. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. "I wrote a story about a woman who worked as a bodyguard to the hero once. A reverse trope kind of thing."

He laughs. "Of course you did." And pulls me closer to him. I let myself forget this is all just a job to him for a precious few minutes before he is pulling back from me again. "What possessed you to come here with no one other than Ana to help you? Why were you even here?"

The thought floats through my head that maybe I could buy myself time if I hit him like I did Mildew or whatever her fucking name is...was again.




The car ride back to the compound is a quiet one. I'll give her till then to come up with an excuse for why she did something so utterly dangerous before I take her over my knee and bust her ass. I'm a reasonable man like that.

As soon as we pull up she is trying to make a run for it. I'm filthy, I'm covered in blood and God knows what else given what I was up to, and I've spent too long without her soft body being up next to mine. I am all out of patience.

She doesn't get very far before I am swooping down and grabbing her up around the waist, lifting her off her feet. She briefly tries to fight with me but then gives up and lets me take her back to the room we were in last night. Everyone is waiting to hear about what happened, but I leave that to Duncan and Ana. They can fill everyone in while I get down to the bottom of why my woman decided to put herself squarely in the path of danger.

Once she realizes where we’re going she starts fighting me a little bit again. I shift her so I can throw her over my shoulder and give her ass a smack. I have to fight the chuckle that wants to bubble up when she gives an angry little huff and starts trying to return the smack. She's like a pissed-off little kitten, angry and cute all at the same time. Not that I would ever tell her that. I like my nose right where it is and I saw what she did to the woman who tried to kill her.

Thinking about that just makes me want to spank her again. I slam the door and lock it before setting her down. "Now, are you going to tell me why? Why in the world would you leave our bed so you could go put yourself in danger? Why in the name of all that is good and holy would you trot your sexy ass back to the beach house knowing that I left the bed you were laying in only because I was trying to make sure you were safe and would stay that way?"

"Don't try to pretend that you left just for me. Ana told me you couldn't wait to have things back to the way they were before all of this started. She said you told her yourself that..."

I stop her from saying anything else by taking her in my arms and kissing her senseless. By the time I pull back, she is clinging to my shirt and kissing me back.

"You're right. I left for more than just you. I left for us."

"What?" she looks genuinely confused now but more willing to listen. Even if it is because she's still trying to process that kiss.

"We just made love last night, baby," I tell her like she should realize where this is going. "And we didn't use anything."

"Anything?" I can't fight the smile that spreads across my face. "You mean and stuff."

I bark out a laugh before I walk both of us back so we are closer to the bed. "No, baby. I am not talking about toys. Although I wouldn't mind playing with some; but that comes later."

"Later? Playing with...what the hell are you talking about? You don't make sense when you talk. Stop! Just stop playing games with me."

I give her a little push that sends her flailing back on the bed. She lets out a little shout before I am working her shorts down her legs.

"What...? What is going on? Why are you undressing me?"

"To show the universe how thankful I am that I shot that bitch before she could hurt you. To reassure myself that you are safe and sound. Because it's been too long since either of us have been entwined together."