Page 21 of Code Bravo

Ezra nods his head, "Should be able to. Gauge is just waiting for him to wake up."

Jim gives a nod and both he and Ezra walk off together, leaving me with Ana since all of the other women have gone off with their men. Even Ana has Steve lurking in the background, waiting for her.

I've been waiting for three days, and he didn't even look my way. I'm already a footnote to him. It just makes me more determined to grab ahold of what I want - to take back control of some aspect of my out-of-control life. And it looks like I don't have a lot of time left.




I'm tired. I've been to a whole other country and back again, saved a life, and kept someone from freaking the hell out - all while thinking of nothing but the woman I left behind. Looking at her hurts. All I want to do is go to her and pick her up in my arms. But I still have things to do. I need to make sure she is safe before I can take the time to stop. I need to push forward with my plan so I don't have anything standing in my way of seducing her into loving me.

I'll go as slow as she needs me to. We can take months if she needs that long to trust me. As long as I can have her sweet pussy in my mouth every night and sleep with her in my arms. These last three days without her have been hell. Absolute hell.

One of the reasons I didn't look directly at Carson when I got out of the helicopter was because I would have given up this hunt for the people that tried to use her to get to me. I would say fuck it and not give a shit as long as they left us alone. But Carson needs retribution. She deserves justice. She lost her house, her comfort, her whole way of life. And for that, they need to pay with their lives.

I flop back on the bed to shut my eyes for just a little while. A small nap before I have to complete this one last mission is all I need. My eyes are barely closed when I hear the door softly open. I wait for one of the men to ask me whatever it is they need to know. When I left, Jim was on the phone to Gauge talking about all he had found out talking to Cate's father who was now awake.

But the question never comes. The footsteps that make their way to my bed are too light to be any of the men here. So who is in my room? It doesn't take long before I have my answer. It's her scent that gives her away. Carson is in my room. She found out where I was staying. She came to me.

I lay still not wanting to influence her. I want to see if she'll crawl up on the bed with me and snuggle in beside me. Is it possible that she missed me as much as I missed her? Could she already be close to loving me or is that too much to ask?

At first, I don't hear her but then I realize she is right at my legs. She's actually in between my legs. I want to look but I'm worried if I open my eyes she won't do whatever it is she clearly came in here to do. I'm more than a little surprised when she throws her leg over mine and sits on top of me. Her hands trail down my chest until she comes to the bottom of my shirt.

I wait, holding my breath, to find out what she is going to do next. If she were a fucking performer I would be on the edge of my fucking seat. She's got all of my attention and it is firmly centered on where those fingers want to go next.

She slowly slides them up under my shirt, dragging her nails over my muscles, causing them to jump under her touch. What the fuck is going on? Am I fucking dreaming? Is this it? Have I worked just too damned hard and am now suffering from a breakdown finally?

She pushes my shirt up, up until she can look at the expansion of my chest. When I flopped back on the bed it was with my arms crossed behind my head. Fuck am I glad I did because now she can see how big I am without it actually looking like I am trying to show off. I'm shocked thoughtless when she leans forward and I feel nothing but soft skin brush against me.

I can't fight back the moan that falls out but hopefully she'll think it's something I've done in my sleep. Did she really come to me naked? Am I sure I'm not having the best wet dream of my life? How am I supposed to maintain control knowing that she is bare and so close?

Her breath fans out over my upper chest and causes my body to break out in goosebumps. It’s the only warning I have as she leans forward once more and her lips brush against my neck. Those soft pillows glide over my skin and up my throat until she comes to the edge of my ear, placing kisses right beneath.

I'm unprepared for her to sink her little teeth in the lobe of my ear. My dick jerks and my body goes on automatic. My eyes flash open and she stiffens on top of me as she realizes I have come awake. Before she can move or even blink I have my arms around her, caging her to me. I sit up like someone who just stepped off a horror movie set - straight up, stiff, and fast.

I gauge her reaction to me in her eyes making sure I'm not scaring the hell out of her. I don't see fear in her eyes. All I see is a mirror of what I'm sure she will find in mine. Hunger, want...need. I hold her back, making her arch her back for me with the way I'm holding her. Her hands come down to my biceps to grab on for balance.

My hands fall to her hips so I can hold her even tighter. She's left her panties on but they are just wisps of lace and nothing more. I tilt her hips so she's even more off balance and tilted back even further. It gives me a stunning view. Soft, round, and all mine, her breasts are begging me to lean forward to kiss the tips of them. I bend my head and latch on to one of them.

"Oh God!" Her nails sink into the back of my arms. Her breath sighs out as I make a meal out of her. These tits...damn, they’re perfect in every way. I flick my tongue over her ripe nipples until she is squirming in my lap and clutching at my head and arms. I turn my head so I can mumble without taking her tit out of my mouth.

"Take my shirt off." She doesn't move at first. "Carson, pull my shirt over my fucking head."

Her tiny fingers make a grab for the back of my shirt and start to work it off me. I help her but then go back to licking and sucking on her breasts. I run my hand up her back to better hold her before running my mouth up to meet hers. I press her close to me, delighting in our bare skin brushing against one another.

When I go back for more her head falls backward giving me free rein. I use my other hand that remains on her hip to start moving her. Back and forth, up and down, over my cock. Her thighs squeeze up around me as both of us start moving to a rhythm that runs in our blood. I don't know what’s different but I'm not about to say a word about it if it means I get to be with Carson.

I spin us so that she is under me. She lets out a cute as fuck little squeal before I swallow her mouth back up again. Then I make my way down her gorgeous body and between her thighs. It doesn't take long before I have her panties off and flung over my shoulder, much like the night we were 'faking' it. She rocks her hips against my mouth as I stab my tongue in her tight entrance. I drop back even further and play with the edge of her asshole.

I don't know what word she ever settled on using for this but I plan to make damn sure she has enough inspiration that she never has to look for it anywhere else but me. Her nails sink into my scalp and her cries become louder, more vocal.

"Oh! My! God! Ezra, I'm going...I'm about to....oh God!"

She ends on a high-pitched wail as her body comes apart for me. Her pussy offers hugs for my tongue which is back at her entrance teasing and tempting. I am more than a little shocked when her little hands come down to my shoulders and she pushes me back on the bed as she throws her leg over me and searches for my mouth.

She slides her body up and down on top of me pulling a groan from me as my dick swells to epic proportions. It takes me a minute to realize she is struggling to undo my belt and work my pants open. There is no way she is going to be able to take me like this. She's a fucking virgin for fuck's sake. She's going to have to...