Page 19 of Code Bravo

I try to focus on what is going on in front of me. Remy and Duncan aren’t just here for backup purposes. "Jim says to be ready to go at any moment."

They came with news. "So what's going on?"

"Jim got a weird call from a man with some information. He's got a daughter that needs some help first, but Jim thinks he can work with the guy as long as we keep his girl safe."

"And get him out of prison." Remy puts in.


"Guy's in prison. We have to break him out." Remy gives me a boyish grin before adding, "Should be fun."

I go through all the men. Remy and Steve are the smoothest out of us with Duncan not being far behind. And I know where all of them are. Remy and Duncan are here with me and Steve is watching over Ace's sister - they have a thing but don't want anyone to know about it just yet. That was glaringly evident during the time they were here with us.

"So...who'd he send?" Gauge is a little dark for such a...light mission. All they need is someone to watch the kid, right? Not scare the fuck out of her.


That's...surprising. Dante’s not really known for being the talkative twin. He's almost as scary as Gauge. Hell, he might even be scarier.

"Dante's getting the...father?"

Both of them shake their head. Finally, Remy breaks the heavy silence. "The girl?"

I was right. Jim is sending tall, dark, and deadly to bring a girl to safety. What the hell? Were the other guys busy? I understand they are all having babies now but damn. Duncan didn't have anything to do. Why not send him?

I keep my mouth shut as another thought takes hold in my mind. "So...we won't be needing the guys next door?"

Remy shakes his head. "Not if this all goes down the way Jim thinks it will AND you know how Jim's plans go."

"Perfect. That's the best news I've heard all day long." I have plans for the assholes in the house beside us. The fact that they pulled Carson into all of this means I have a score to settle, and I plan to carry out the retribution I have planned for them swiftly but it won’t end quickly for them. I want them to understand what Carson gave up when she lost her house and that she wakes up scared sometimes, jerking from sleep, and only me petting her for hours and giving her sweet kisses all night long helps her go back to sleep.

Remy leans over to her. "Dante is Duncan's twin but...scarier. We call him the Dark Twin because he's a scary son of a bitch. I mean...we don't call him that to his face because...he's a scary motherfucker but you know what I mean."

"Jim knows what he's doing. He’s got a reason for everything. We just need to be ready to go when he says it's time." There's a long pause after Duncan says this. I wonder if he's pissed he's not with Dante. Going after the daughter might have him seeing more action. Or maybe it's worry that lingers in his eyes. Maybe he's worried that his twin might not be a good fit for babysitting someone's daughter considering how dark the son of a bitch can be.

Duncan does a good job keeping his brother in check most of the time so the fact that he's here and Dante is who knows where is probably weighing heavy on him. If anyone should be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress it's Dante. I watch as Remy and Duncan both speak to Carson before Ana takes her in her arms for one last hug before she and Steve leave.

I spend some time helping the guys safeguard the house before I make my way back through the house to look for Carson. She's taken to writing in the screened-in sunroom that overlooks the ocean. She told Ana the sound of the waves crashing on the sandy beach helps her concentrate.

Instead of finding her busily tapping away at her laptop, I find her dozing off in the wicker lounge chair. She's been quiet since Ana left. I can't help but wonder if it's because she feels outnumbered now. Or perhaps she feels like she doesn't have anyone to talk to. It’s not like we do a lot of talking when we’re together. I can see how she would think I'm just out for her sweet body and nothing else. But damn it, how am I supposed to deny myself when everything she does causes my cock to get hard.

Even now, as she naps, I can barely keep myself from touching, taking, and tasting. I drop to my knees and run my hands over her body where it is stretched out just close enough to feel the heat of her body but not close enough to touch. As if she can tell I am here she turns more towards me and offers up a gentle sigh.

Seeing her like this reminds me of how often I would sit and watch her sleep before all of this started. It was one of my favorite things to do. And now...I don't have to just sit and watch. She knows who I am, what I do. There’s no reason for me to hold myself back, especially if all I take is a taste. And what a yummy morsel she's presented herself to be, wearing a tiny little tank top and bright pink shorts that show off her amazing legs.

I drop a kiss on her upturned mouth before I unsnap and unzip her shorts. She kisses me back and for a second I think she's awake but when I pull back to check she's still sound asleep. She's even brought her arms up to link them behind my neck like she is waiting for another. In her sleep, she’s not guarded at all. She's willing to show me how much she wants me and all the things I do to her. Sleep is a lot like a short-acting truth serum - your true feelings about things come through. And Carson definitely wants my attention.

I give her another kiss before I trail my lips down the soft skin of her throat. She tilts her head so I have better access and holds me close. I wiggle her shorts over her hips and push them past her knees until I can easily slip them from her. I take the time to stare down at her panties - Carson always wears the most...unusual and sexy things under her clothes. Today she has on lace panties with little dancing clams on them. I can't help but laugh out loud at the fun little surprise.

I work a strap off her shoulder and then the other but with this one, I use my teeth. The smile tilting at the corner of her lips pushes me to go on. I pull it down until her ripe breast pops out. The round globe bounces as if begging me to bring my mouth closer. I kiss over to where her pert nipple is standing proud. At the same time, I slide the gusset of her panties to the side so I can run the tips of my fingers over her puffy lower lips.

I slowly inch my way inside, searching for her clit. She helps by spreading her legs wider and arching her chest up into my mouth. I latch onto her nipple and start sucking as my fingers dance over her hardening bundle of nerves. I move from one breast to the next, not wanting to slight one of them at all. I use my thumb to keep rubbing her as I slide one of my fingers, the middle one, into her tight entrance.

She's so small. There is no way I want to hurt her but I need to help her stretch out some so that when I take her it won't be so traumatic to her untried body. I take my time kissing from one breast to the other and back to her lips as she slowly accepts my finger's intrusion. Once I have it in just a little way - I don't want to go too far - I turn it and tilt it up so I can find that secret spot.

I can tell I've hit it when her hips push forward and her mouth opens on a loud gasp. I kiss down the center of her body and over the mound of her pussy before I use my mouth on the spot my thumb had just been brushing.

I perceive the moment she comes fully awake. In the blink of an eye, right after, she is straining against me giving herself over to her orgasm. "Oh God! Ezra!"