Page 18 of Code Bravo

My hands fly up to cover his hands that are already keeping my nipples hidden and I try to shrink back into Ezra.

"Silly me. I used the wrong door." I notice she’s not looking away and doesn't appear sorry about a thing. In fact, she is taking a mental picture of Ezra for later if the look in her eye is any indication.

Ana comes running in behind the mystery woman. She sees us and does avert her eyes. Fast! "Oh! Oh Lord!"

Everyone stands around for a second. It's like no one knows quite what to do. Until a man's voice drifts through the air. "Muffin? Muffin, where did you get off to?"

That has Ezra turning me more towards the wall and holding me closer. His cock brushes up against the back of my thigh. I try to move away from it, but he holds me in place. Don't think I didn't realize how gorgeous 'Muffin' is. She's beautiful. If that is the opposition then I am good and fucked. No one is going to believe anyone would choose me over her. Hell, even Ezra noticed the difference if his hard-on is any indication. And how awful is it that I have to sit here naked with him while he gets a fucking hard-on for someone else in the room? My life stinks!

"Give us a minute, please!" He turns me around even more so that all that anyone can see of me is my back. I have to look over my shoulder to see Ana ushering the beautiful Muffin out of our bathroom with the help of Steve. Oh shit! Steve had to get involved to chase this woman away from Ezra.

We sit in silence while we listen for the voices to move away from the bathroom door. I try to get up one more time. But again he holds me down. It's not like I can just push myself up off him and step out. One of my arms is covering my tits and I have the other shoved down the front of my body covering my pussy.

"Okay, everyone's gone. We don't have to play anymore." Instead of letting me go, he does the one thing I don't foresee. He drops his hand down to cover mine.

My eyes widen. "What's your hurry? Just because no one is around doesn't mean we have to rush to get out."

He uses his hips to push up against me. It just makes me angry. "Oh please. I don't want your pity fuck or whatever it is."

"What's that supposed to mean?" His face turns stormy.

"You got hard when 'Muffin' came in," I whisper hiss and try again to move away from him.

At this point, I'm about ready to just say to hell with it and make a dash for it no matter if I have to do it while showing him every secret I have. It’s not like he's going to care. God knows, he wasn't exactly warm towards me when we were neighbors. If anything, I annoyed him with my sheer presence.

"What? Are you crazy?" He gives me a hard look before a slow smile stretches across his mouth. "I was hard when I came in and saw you in the tub, which by the way, the only reason you thought I 'got' hard when she came in was that I wasn't holding you up anymore. I had my hands full." Oh...shit, that's a good answer. He could stop right there and I would be alright but he doesn't. "Hands full of your tits which only made me harder by the way."

My mouth is open in shock. I can tell it is, even if I'm not really thinking about anything but Ezra's cock.

"And now, I'm going to make you cum since you were a good girl and didn't make me pop my load before they came in."

What now? "Wait! What? Does that...? Pop?" I don't think I understand fully what he is trying to tell me. If this were one of my books, I would say he is being all Alpha and telling me I didn't make him cum in front of visitors but...that can't be what he is talking about. Right?

He does some kind of weird Jedi mind trick to make me reach out with the hand I was using to cover myself. His hand quickly takes my spot when I fall for his ruse. Damn, he's quick too! He's already got his hand there before I can go back to cover myself again. I let out a squeal that is somewhere between half frustrated and half shocked that this is even happening.

Surely, he is just doing this to prove a point. I'm not sure what that point is right now but I definitely know it’s not because he feels anything for me. Maybe it's because he thinks this will somehow make the act we are putting on more believable. Hell, maybe it will but I don't think I want to go this far with the act.

I open my mouth to say as much when he hones in on the hidden bundle of nerves causing me to gasp out instead. He lets me catch my breath but that's about all. His finger flicks over the tight nub again before he does it again. His free hand comes up to cup my breast which has been left bare because both of my hands are wrapped around the wrist of the hand he's using to elicit the wildfire feelings zinging through me.

It feels like I've wrapped my hands around an electric fence. Pulses of heat and tingles course through my body as I’m swept up in the mounting tension. I came for him last night. I know that. I understand that I allowed myself to be caught up and showed him a side of me no one has ever seen. But this isn't last night. It’s not late and dark. It's midmorning and he can see every curve, every bare exposed inch of me. And I'm still about to cum for him.

Everything in me tenses until all I can do is shake and hold on to him. He thrums my clit one more time and sends me into a spiral of heat and need. I slump back expecting him to hold me for a few seconds before we both get out and go about our business, but Ezra has something else in mind.

He turns me so that we are finally facing one another. I search his face for a clue as to what he is thinking when he grabs me by my hips and tilts me back. The water helps as I half float, half fall backward until I am leaning against the side of the tub. He offers me a slow, almost evil, smile as he keeps a good hold on my hips.

"Before I joined Jim's unit, I was a medic for the SEALs." I try to keep up with where this is going but he's not making it easy. He doesn't let go of my hips, instead just lifting me higher up out of the water. "We're incredibly good in the water, you know."

He brings his mouth down on my bare pussy as I grab onto the tub edge so I don't drown myself. He kisses me the same way he does on my mouth. And damn is he a good kisser! He eats me like...well, like I eat chocolate. I'm nothing more than a snack to him but this man is rocking my whole foundation. It makes me wonder if in the end, I'm going to be the one sinking after all of this. Or if it's already too late for me, if I'm already in over my head.




I have to practically carry Carson out of the bath once I make her cum again. Her taste still lingers on my tongue even now and it's been hours since I put my mouth on her. I think back on the fact she had to nap afterward and a smile tilts at the corners of my mouth.

Steve, Ana, and I made sure our visitors left without getting too much information. And soon after lunch, Remy brought Duncan to take Steve and Ana's place. I make a note of the fact Carson is very quiet when Ana gets ready to leave. They hug and I overhear Ana talking to her, telling her to come by the compound and see her sometime soon.