Page 17 of Code Bravo



What the fuck happened last night? I have wracked my brain to understand. There’s faking a relationship and then there is...whatever the hell Ezra is doing. Surely it’s not...normal to go this deep with something. Right? Or is this just another mission to him? Am I just another resource?

It doesn't help that Ana and Steve are leaving today. Steve is just too worried about Ana for them to stay any longer. I don't even want to dissect what it means that Ezra is fine making me a walking target in all of this. And how long is this going to take? How long will I be used as a smoke screen for these men so they can find the guy doing this to all of them?

All questions I don't have answers to. Or maybe I don't really want to know the answers. Maybe I won't like the truth once those questions are answered. I try to work some but in the end, I can't keep my focus on the fucking story I'm trying to write. I put it away and make my way up to the room we’re staying in. The tub there has been calling my name since I first laid eyes on it.

I go all out, helping myself to not just huge fluffy towels but bath bombs that turn the water a pale pink too. I lay back and let my thoughts drift. This is the best place to get ideas. I always head to the tub when I'm stuck on a scene or having an issue in one of my books. I usually keep a pad of paper and a pen on a little table near my tub...well, when I had a tub, that is.

I groan a little and sink down further into the water. I have to start looking for a house. Somewhere for me and Jack to go. All of this...subterfuge has gone a long way in keeping me distracted from the fact that my house is in rubble.

A conversation I had with Ana comes back to me as I lean back even more and close my eyes. "How do you...handle being around all these men all the time? How do you cope? They're so...big and gruff and...alpha?

She gives me a laugh that sounds like glass softly tinkling - perfect in other words - and blushes softly. I've grown quite fond of Ana in the few days we have known each other. She’s sweet and shy but also just as stubborn as the man charged with keeping her safe. I've come to realize she doesn't put up with any of their shit and I respect the hell out of her for it.

"It just seems natural to me. I grew up with these guys. To me, they're just like anyone else."

"Not all of them." I make the announcement before I can stop and sit for a little while with the worry that I might have upset Ana by saying anything.

Ana blushes hard as her eyes slide over to where Steve is standing.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

"No. No, no. It's alright. I think," her tone gets a wistful note to it, "growing up with them is one of the things that keeps anything from happening where that is concerned. He sees me as nothing more than a kid sister while I would die to make him mine. He's the only man I've ever loved."

Her words have more color rushing to her cheeks. "I wouldn't be so sure of his feelings towards you, Ana. When he looks at you, there's this hot, possessive look hidden deep in his eyes."

We spent a few more minutes whispering about things before the men interrupted us and we headed outside for some beach time together. Ana is so easy to talk to because of all the things we have in common. We like the same authors and the same music and television shows. Thinking about it makes me sad because I'm really going to miss her.

I don't sit too long with my thoughts before the door is shoved open and quickly closed again. I sit up just as quickly and cover my upper body, shock making me a little slower than Ezra. "What are you...?"

"We have visitors."

"Visitors?" Has he lost his mind? Instead of muttering an apology to me, he just gives me a nod of his head. "What does that have to do with me...or my bath?"

"It's our 'friends." Oh shit. I know exactly who he is talking about. "They'll make an appearance...,"

"In here?" I interrupt him with a whispered yell. He gives me another nod. "With me?"

He nods again. I need to get out of the fucking tub if he thinks those people are going to...I suddenly become aware of the fact he’s taking his clothes off. He's already yanked his shirt up over his head.

"Wait! What are you doing? What the hell are you doing?"

Both of us hear someone talking close by. So close it might be right outside the door. He yanks his jeans down before answering me. "Getting in." He whispers back to me.

"Are you insane!? I'm naked in here!" He starts towards the tub. "I'm getting out!"

Fuck this.

"No! We have to...,"

"Fuck that!" I'm done. I don't want to be caught naked by anyone. I don't care how important this whole thing is to Ezra and these men. An exhibitionist I am not!

Before I can stand up he is in the tub with me. The voices only get closer. I've already gotten to my knees in preparation to get the hell out so it takes him very little effort to pull me back down into his lap. I squeal loudly when I realize both of us are very bare and very close to one another. His hands come up to cover my bare breasts just as the door bounces open.

A woman stands there looking back at us. No one speaks for a second before the woman finally says something. "Oh! Oh, I am so sorry!"