Page 14 of Code Bravo

First, he jumps up on me and gives me kisses, sniffing around my face to see if I've been sneaking and eating without him. Then he bounds around once before doing the same thing to Ezra. Ezra shows him love by letting the dog lick his chin and sniff him too before giving him head rubs.

Things start to click in my head. My sexy neighbor isn't wearing a shirt. I'm still straddling him and he's still got his hand on my ass. I try again to sneakily slide from his lap but he won't let me. His hand on the cheek of my ass is keeping me in place. When Ana first came in his hand - the one not holding on to me - came around so he could pull my nightgown down to I guess cover my panties just in case it was someone other than Ana coming through the door.

Everything happened so quickly that I didn't really pay any attention to it because by then Jack was at the bed wanting up. Now that Jack is ready to nap again because he's exerted all his pug energy things like that come back to me. He looked like he was going to tear someone's head off when the door sprang open. God, I can only hope that it’s because he got woke up before he was ready to and not because I was using him as a mattress.

"Hey boy, how's it going?" He is still petting Jack. Who seems rather fond of Ezra? I know I left him with him once for like fifteen minutes while I went to the store but Jack acts like they play all the time. It's almost like he's missed Ezra as much as he's missed me. Which leads my mind to wonder how in the fuck Ezra was in my house when the bad guys broke in? Or how he knew where to find me when I went on my date? The answer is just out of my reach, tickling the back of my mind.

"We have breakfast ready. Don't worry - I cooked!"

"We'll be down in a second, Ana. Thank you for bringing Jack to us by the way."

Jack settles beside of us and lays his wrinkled head on his crossed paws. I love it when he does that because he looks so cute, I could just eat him up and usually wake him up by giving him kisses when he does it. As soon as the door closes all the way and we are essentially alone considering my furry little guy is snoozing hard, I try one more time to to speak.

"We really have to start working the act today."

I'm so worried about where to put my hands to keep them off his chest that it takes me a second to fully process what he’s saying. I sit and start nodding my head before it sinks in.

"Wait...huh? What do we have to do?"

"So no jumping when I touch you." His hand slides around to toy with the band of my panties where they rest over my hip. His fingers rub against the sensitive skin there. His other hand comes up to cup the back of my head, "And get used to plenty of this..."

He pulls my head close to his before capturing my mouth with his. I'm so shocked all I can do is sit with my mouth open which only helps Ezra's cause. He explores my mouth with his tongue, stroking his against mine. I can't stop myself from melting against him. His tongue is hard and yet so silky soft as it brushes against mine.

"Kiss me back, Carson." He says this against my mouth, not really pulling away from me or giving me room to think. Who can think when he's doing what he's doing to me?

My brows furrow at his request and I nervously poke my tongue in his mouth. At the swipe of my tongue on his, he moans and pulls me tighter to him. He turns my head with the hand still buried in my hair. His tongue plays and nudges mine. He teaches me how to kiss, how to tease, and explore.

I'm so busy focusing on his kisses that I forget where his hands are until they sweep over the curve of my ass and brush against the sides of the gusset of my panties as he pulls me in even more, fitting me against him so that I'm cradling his...very hard cock...with a part of me I didn't really think would be this close to Ezra. I might have dreamed a little bit...okay, a lot about him but I never really believed that I would be sitting on his lap nuzzling the length of his cock with the heat and flesh of my...pussy. His cock is so close to my pussy. So much so that my wet panties are the only thing keeping him from bouncing right into me. I gasp a little bit at the feeling and he uses the opportunity to suck my tongue.

I don't know how long we sit there kissing but by the end of it when HE pulls back I've not only touched his bare chest, I have my hands all over him. Running the tips of my fingers up and across his shoulders and down his back and then back around to run them up his chest again. He finally picks Jack up and lays him in my arms before he sets me to the side of him.

What the hell just happened? This man just rocked my world and now he's walking around, one thing I don't think I can do just yet, like it was nothing. Maybe to him, it does mean nothing. A depressing thought on the heels of what we just did, which is pretty much my first kiss.

"Carson," I look up at him when he calls my name. He's got a big grin across his face that brings out the dimples on his cheek. He's got fucking dimples for fuck's sake. "You're a very fast learner."

His words make my eyebrows draw together in a frown so big it starts a headache pounding through my head. He offers me a wink before whistling his way into the bathroom, leaving me holding a shit ton of questions and a sleeping pug.




I spent the day getting Carson used to my touch. I wouldn't let her sit anywhere else but my lap and kept my mouth on hers for the better part of the day. Little touches and caresses that I've given her have made her jumpy and breathy. Her pink cheeks are an aphrodisiac. Who knew?

Hell, everything Carson does is an aphrodisiac to me. I've spent the day harder than damn it because of every touch and shy look. And now I have her all to myself. I give her the first go in the bathroom waiting to hear the shower come on before I start playing the dog into a little puppy coma. It takes about fifteen minutes but by the time she comes out, Jack is flat on his back snoring hard on the little bed we put down for him.

She's chewing on her lip when she comes out. She's been doing a lot of that today. It's a tell she's had right from the second I met her. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that she's nervous. I brush by her on my way to the bathroom making sure to run my fingertips down her bare arm as I go. The only sign she's not used to my touch is the subtle widening of her eyes but even that has to go.

When I come back out she's already in bed hugging the side as far as she can without rolling off of it again. I slide in beside her. I plan to spend the night with my arms wrapped around her, getting her used to always having my touch on her.

Then my plans change. My phone dings before I can even roll towards her.

Dude, the plan’s changed. They are right next door. Like they can see in your room.

Shit! I type back for more info and wait. Tonight might be more of a learning experience than Carson is ready for.

They have eyes on you guys. Steve is ready to pull out but Jim wants to keep going. Libby says the next part is up to you though. Are you comfortable staying or do we scrap the idea, blow the house next door and get the fuck out of here?