Page 13 of Code Bravo

"I read your medical records."

"'re not supposed to do that!" I pull back away from him so I can look at him better. He doesn't look repentant or guilty at all. I want to be pissed that he invaded my privacy like that but it doesn't matter in the end. The point is the same. "Then you understand I can't do this. I don't know how."

"You do this every time you write a book." His words have my mouth falling open. "You crawl into another person's life and experience it through their eyes. I'm not asking you to do something you can't do. I'm asking you to do it a little more physically than you're used to, that's all."

"Oh, well if that's all." I let my sarcasm drip thick.

The rest of the afternoon is spent getting to know Ana, who is very funny and sweet. She shows me around the house and before the sun goes down we take a turn on the beach. If I don't think about it too much I can almost pretend this is a real get-away. I don't see very much of Ezra for the rest of the day and Ana tells me that they are 'fortifying' the house. Despite some of them being busy I notice one of the men is always close. We are never out of their range of vision.

We all come together to eat and watch some television before turning in. Ana says her friend will bring Jack to me tomorrow. Leaving him behind broke my heart but I also want to make sure he and KiKi are going to be safe. I would never forgive myself if they got hurt because I agreed to do this stupid act.

Then I have to pretend that everything is fine when we get ready for bed and both of us try to fit onto the small bed. Would it be small if Ezra wasn't such a big guy? Probably not.

It takes me forever to finally fall asleep and once I go I can't really say I have a good night as I keep waking up and trying to give Ezra more space while trying to stay on the bed. In the morning, way too early for me, the door to our room flies open and I wake up...and automatically roll off the bed. All I can do is give a little yelp as I hit the wooden floor. Hard.

All the air is knocked out of me but I can hear someone telling Ezra that one of their friends is here and he and his wife brought my Jack with them. Once the door is shut, Ezra peers over the side of the bed and looks down at me. It becomes clear what image I am giving off when his eyes travel over my body and stay on the place my dress was supposed to be covering. Currently, it’s not covering anything and my panties are right out there for full viewing. I pull the hem down until I'm covered and wonder why I don't sleep in boxers like normal single women. Nooo, I have to wear the thin nightgowns that ride up and show the world every secret you have.

I skip the morning shower so I can come downstairs and kiss all over my little man sooner. Also meet one of Ana's closest friends, Lexi, who looks young as well. Too young to be around men like these. And the man with her is...terrifying. He looks like a shadow waiting to swallow her up. She doesn't seem to mind though so I take my cue from her and smile when she introduces me to her husband, Jack.

"So you see I have my own Jack." She laughs and it tinkles like wind through a chime. Apparently, my little man spent the night with them.

"To keep from getting everyone confused," Remy tilts down to whisper to us, "I suggest we call the big angry looking one Jack-off."

"That's it, you sawed off little pecker gnat." Pecker Gnat. This is a writing gold mine. I bet they can give me a whole list of words for the ass hole. Once Ezra gets the two men to calm down they walk off a little way and start whispering. I start becoming aware of what Ezra and the big dark guy are saying to one another. It sounds important and the fact they are acting like they don't want me to know just makes me more determined to listen in on what they are talking about.

"You were spot-on about them following. They took note of the two of you leaving."

Lexi tries to distract me while the men talk. "Jack-Jack is the cutest thing! How long has he been with you?"

"About eight months now," I answer her absentmindedly and continue eavesdropping.

"...came with you...right beside of...," Damn it! They speak really low. "...going to have to... turn up the heat..."

What was that about heat now? I spend a few more minutes talking to Lexi and enjoy her and Ana's catching up with their news for one another. In fact, it’s just me and the other two girls at the dinner table tonight. Ana tells me the other four men are in something they call the 'war room', wherever the hell that room is in this house. There was some talk about having other people come to help guard me and Ana since Remy is being used to take messages and intel back and forth, but again I didn't get to listen to all of what was said before the two women distracted me with questions and comments.

I finally make my way up to the bedroom and take a quick shower before climbing into bed. And lay awake trying to figure out how to get myself out of the huge crap heap I find myself in currently. But days of little to no sleep have finally caught up to me. I start to drift until I can barely keep my eyes open. Shit, figuring out a way out is just going to have to wait it would seem.




Hmm, I wake up nice and slow. I have a vague memory that tickles the back of my mind but it was probably just a dream. Yeah, it had to be a dream because my sexy neighbor was the leading star. I thought for some weird reason that only makes sense in dreams that he was in my bedroom and came to my bed. Instead of telling me that the dream was too weird for him and I should stop and wake up, he crawls into the bed with me.

In fact, he does more than just crawl in. He slides over and lifts me like I weigh nothing, another reason I'm pretty sure this must be a dream. No way am I going to be lifted like I'm nothing more than a leaf when I have never missed an opportunity to have dessert in my life! But he doesn't stop at just lifting me - he lays me on top of him. So I'm pretty sure my waking mind and my subconscious sleep mind have come to an agreement that this is nothing more than an amazing sex dream that is totally going in my next book.

So why am I not waking up from the dream? Usually when I make that connection, I wake up but this time I seem to be lingering in the warmth and the lie. When I don't wake up a sinking feeling begins to take the place of the warmth. Then consciousness hits me - full consciousness, not the sloppy dream 'I think I'm awake but am not' consciousness. And the truth is...I'm in bed with my hot neighbor.

Not only am I in bed with him but I have my nose buried in his neck. It's like I've been trying to breathe him in all night long. How the hell am I going to get out of this? I am certain of one thing...I have to find some way to get up. I can't be here when he wakes up. This is too embarrassing to stay and wait for him to find out I've crawled all over him.

I move slowly and try to keep my weight spread out so it’s not as obvious in any one location. I make it up so that I am fully straddling him. "Oh God!" I shift my weight so that I can put most of it on one knee and get ready to throw my leg over his hips when a hand lands on my ass. He's awake! "Oh...God!"

Maybe he doesn't realize his hand is on my ass. Maybe he thinks it's higher than it really is. Before I can think of something clever to say the door flies open and the man under me is no longer lying flat.

"Someone couldn't wait to see his mommy this morning." Jack runs for the bed and starts leaping to be let up on it. Ana doesn't come any further into the room but offers me a big smile on her face. She mouths the words, 'I love him' once she realizes I am looking over at her.

"Oh, baby!" I lean over so I can help him up on the bed but it takes both me and Ezra to lift the little bundle of fur and love.