“Of course it is. You’re Heart Chocolates. Donatello’s doesn’t stand a chance in a fight against you.”

“Pam,” her mother said softly. “It’s not a fight. Ethan came to us a couple of months ago with an offer to buy the shop. We talked about it—” she sent her husband a smile “—and after more negotiations, we decided together to accept.”

“But why?” Pam asked, looking from one parent to the other. “Because you couldn’t afford to fight back. That’s why I wanted the recipe. I thought maybe we could barter for it. They get it back and we keep the shop.”

“So blackmail?” Richard asked, dumbfounded. “You would do something like that?”

“To help the family, yes. I’m not proud of it, Dad,” she said, and looked straight at Gabe. “I didn’t want to. Didn’t want to lie. But I didn’t know how else to help you save the business.”

“We don’t want the shop,” her father said, loudly enough to get everyone’s attention.

Sadie was startled by that and it appeared everyone but Ethan was, too. Silence dropped onto the table in the wake of that announcement until Richard’s son spoke.

“What do you mean?” Tony asked, obviously stunned. “It’s ours. We’ve been working it together my whole life.”

“And enough’s enough,” their mother said, smiling at her husband.

“I’m confused,” Gabe muttered.

“You’re not alone,” Pam said, and gave him a sheepish smile.

Sadie squeezed Ethan’s hand in solidarity. He looked at her and smiled, apparently knowing exactly where the rest of this story was going. He leaned in closer and said, “Remember when you suggested I talk to Richard myself instead of sending the lawyers?”


“Well, I did.” He winked at her and Sadie was more confused than ever. “Just listen,” he said, and they both turned back to the others gathered around the table.

“I’m retiring,” Richard said, letting his gaze slide around the table. “Your mom and I want to do a little living while we still can.”

“But you’re not old enough to retire!” Pam was clearly shocked.

“That’s what makes it even better,” Marianna said with a smile for her husband. “Why wait until we need someone to push us around in wheelchairs? No. We want to enjoy ourselves, Pam. It’s past time for your dad to stop working so hard.”

Richard nodded, smiling at his family. “Your mother’s right.”

“But the shop...” Pam simply stared at her father.

Richard shrugged that aside. “It’s been good for us. Made us a decent living. Put you two through school and I enjoyed it, too. We both did. Working together, side by side, to build something special.”

Marianna and her husband shared a secret smile that Sadie envied. This couple had what she dreamed of having. A real partnership. They’d worked and lived and loved together for decades.

“With the money Heart Chocolates is paying us for the location and our customer list and website, well...” Richard winked at his wife. “I can take your mother on all the trips she’s wanted to take for years. We’re going on a cruise, in May. First-class. To Europe. For our thirtieth anniversary.”

“Europe?” Tony was astonished.

Sadie sighed at the romance of it all. How wonderful must it be to still love so fiercely that you wanted more time together, even after all those years.

“That’s right,” his mother said with a bright smile. “We’re going to have some fun for a change. And stay up late every night, since your dad won’t have to get up at three o’clock in the morning...”

“Looking forward to that,” Richard said, grinning at Ethan.

“So this was all for nothing,” Pam whispered.

This was such a private moment, if not for Ethan’s tight grip on her hand Sadie would have felt like an intruder. But for now, anyway, she and Ethan were united. He wanted her there and that meant everything to her.

“I feel like an idiot.” Pam looked at Gabe. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to betray you. Or lie to you.”