Chapter 53


I let Lucas lead us into the bathroom, my heart in my throat. I had felt sick about last night, about how we had ended things, and all morning I had wanted to apologize to him but couldn’t find the right words.

Lucas had said them all. He had made the awkwardness go away, and even with the news that the Wongs were in the hands of his mortal enemy, he still wanted to be here with me.

It was almost more than I could take, honestly. “I love you,” I whispered as he reached for the hem of my shirt. “I love you so much.”

His expression softened. “I love you too,” he answered, releasing my shirt to frame my face with his strong, scarred hands. “I love you so much it hurts to even consider that I have to let you go tomorrow.”

“The same could be said of you,” I replied, tears in my eyes. I wasn’t worried about me. I didn’t think that my father would kill me. He might do some awful things, but his beef was with Nico, not me.

Adrian, however, wanted Lucas’s head, and I wasn’t too keen on not being there to at least ensure he didn’t die.

He had to go, though, just like I had to.

Lucas leaned forward, and his lips brushed over mine carefully, savoring the touch just as much as I was. “Everything about you,” he said, kissing the corner of my mouth. “Is perfection.”

A smile crossed my lips when his hands left my face, reaching for the hem of my shirt. “Are you trying to get me naked, Don Valentino?”

Lucas’s roguish grin tripled my heart rate. “No, not as Don Valentino, but as Lucas Valentino,” he answered as he slid the shirt over my head. “And yes, I’m trying to get you naked.”

I matched his grin with one of my own, allowing him to help me out of the joggers until I was naked before him. “Fuck,” he breathed, taking in my ever-changing body. “You are gorgeous, Leda. I swear I’ve never seen anything as gorgeous as you are.”

I knew I wasn’t. I felt ugly already and had many months to go, but in Lucas’s eyes, I did feel moderately pretty.

He turned away to turn on the shower. “I’m going to wash you clean,” he stated as the bathroom steamed up. “Then worship every inch of your body.”

“Can we do it in the reverse order?” I asked, my heart beating rapidly in my chest at the thought.

Lucas glanced back at me. “If that is what you want.”

Oh, it was what I wanted. I wanted Lucas to do exactly what he promised, to wash away any hurt from last night for both of us and give us both something to remember that would keep us alive when we went our respective ways.

I stepped into the shower while Lucas shed his clothing and wetted my body with the warm spray, the shivers having nothing to do with the cold. When Lucas’s arms came around me, I sighed, leaning into his strong form. “You know, this is a great shower.”

He chuckled, his hands fanning out over my stomach. “I will have to remember that. After this is all over with, you will have your pick of showers at my properties.”

“How many have I not seen?”

“A good many,” he replied, pulling my hair aside to get better access to my neck. “And you can see them all as long as I can fuck you in all the showers you visit.”

“Always,” I murmured. In another world, I would be deliriously happy in his arms, knowing that we had a lifetime before us, but until we got past the demons that threatened to rip this all apart, I couldn’t dwell on the future.

When his lips moved down my skin, I pressed into his body, feeling his cock against my back. I wanted to touch him all over, to erase any touches that he had dealt with in the past and give him the only touch that mattered.

The touch of love.

But Lucas’s hold on me was firm, and I moaned as his hand cupped my breast gently, caressing it. “I can’t wait to see our kid here,” he said, his fingers brushing my tender nipple.

I didn’t want to talk about our future right now. “Please,” I begged, guiding his hand down the length of my body. “Touch me, Lucas.”

He obliged, his fingers seeking between my folds and rubbing me in a gentle motion that had my knees weakening. “I love that you are soaking wet,” Lucas replied, his lips moving to my shoulder. “I love that you react to my touch like this.”

As if I could ever react any differently. Even last night I had wanted him, and nothing would ever change that. I knew his history. I knew I wasn’t the only woman he had fucked in his lifetime, but I was going to be the last.

I leaned my head back, and Lucas murmured words against my skin as he brought me to my first orgasm, shuddering in his strong arms. “That was one of many,” Lucas promised as he slowly released me.