I loomed over him. “You? Marked me?” I asked, feeling his cum snaking down the valley between my breasts. “That’s where you’re wrong.”

“Leda,” he started, but I covered his mouth with my other hand and pushed him back.

“Shut the fuck up.” I whispered as I sank down on his semi-erect cock, burying him deep inside me.

Lucas groaned, his eyes closing, and for a moment I paused, drinking in the sight of him. I found it hard to believe that this gorgeous, dangerous man was all mine, but it hit me every single time I was above him and he let me take control.

Only Lucas would let me ever take control like this.

When his eyes snapped open, they were full of heat. “Is that it?” he asked harshly. “Is that all you have, Leda?”

It was a test, one that I wasn’t about to back down from. Reaching down, I wrapped my hands around his throat, unsure of exactly what I was trying to prove here. He wanted me to dominate him, yet I didn’t want to make it seem that I was some little wallflower that everyone could overlook like they had most of my life.

I was so much more now.

Lucas’s eyes widened, and I almost pulled away, the violence a bit scary. “I—”

His hand found the nape of my neck, and he applied the pressure that I hadn’t been.

“Do it,” he strained. “Do it. Show me what you can do.”

His words sparked something inside me, and I squeezed, my fingers pressing into his neck. He didn’t remove his hands, nor did he help me, but he gave me the go ahead.

A flush of power, coupled with need, threaded through me, and I started to rock against his now-hard cock, moaning at the friction. I was in control. I was the one that Lucas was afraid of right now. I literally held his life in my hands, and at any moment, I could snuff him out.

Lucas angled his hips, and I melted around him, my fingers refusing to let go of his neck. He wasn’t turning blue, so I knew I wasn’t truly hurting him, but it felt good to have him in such a weak position.

I was in charge.

His thrusts grew desperate, and I knew that Lucas was close to his own release again. I rode his cock like my life depended on it.

I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop, and when he finally erupted inside me, I cried out, removing my hands before I collapsed on his chest. Lucas’s heart was beating rapidly under my cheek, his breathing harsh, and I struggled to capture my breath, not quite sure what was happening between us.

Now that the moment was gone, I realized in horror what I had been doing to Lucas and what I wanted to do.

I wanted to continue to squeeze until there was nothing left.

A sob escaped me, and Lucas was forcing me to look at him in an instant. “What?” he asked, his eyes searching mine. “Did I hurt you?”

I had my hands at his throat, and he was worried about hurting me? That only made me sob harder, and I slid off his body to my side, not bothering to push him away as he gathered me close.

“What the fuck are we doing to each other?” I whispered when I felt his hand sliding down my spine.

I had no idea what we just tried to accomplish. It was a thought of pure dominance, but I didn’t like that we had done it in such a fashion.

We both lost control, and tried to assert it the only way we knew how. On each other.

“Shh,” he said, pressing his lips into my hair. “It’s fine, Leda. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

The terror in his voice was real, so I forced myself to shake my head, burrowing deeper into his arms. I loved him. I didn’t want to hurt him. Lucas was my everything.

Lucas blew out a breath, but he held me tightly until my sobs subsided, his hand drifting up and down my back in a comforting manner. “I’ve never willingly allowed anyone to do that to me,” he said after a moment. “And I will never let anyone but you do it in the future.”

My stomach twisted at the thought of ever putting my hands around his throat again. That wasn’t me. I wasn’t violent like that. I didn’t want to be violent, not to Lucas.

But a tiny part of me liked the feel of my hands around his neck, and that scared me.