Chapter 40


Emil didn’t ask any questions, and passed out orders efficiently as we raced up the stairs. The remaining men would clean up the money and get it back to a different safe house.

I had to get to Leda.

Something was wrong. Adrian had a list of all my holdings, and I knew that if I checked them all, one would end up being the very warehouse Leda was waiting in.

“He’s getting close,” I growled, tapping my fingers against my knee nervously as the SUV raced through the city. “We have to move.”

“Already making preparations, boss,” Emil stated, reaching for his phone.

“Don’t alarm Leda yet,” I told him, wanting to be the one who told her. I wanted her to know that I was on top of it, that I could get her somewhere safe, and this was just a minor setback.

Hell, I hoped it was anyway.

I wanted Adrian to show his face, to come after me and not Leda. It wasn’t that he would take her because she was mine. He would take her because he had wanted her once upon a time as well, and if he got his hands on my kid, I knew I would never see either of them again.

That was not an option.

We returned in record time, and I half expected to find the place littered with bodies.

Instead, nothing looked disturbed, which worried me even more.

“Don, wait,” Emil called out as I stormed out of the SUV. Fuck waiting. I needed to make sure that Leda was okay.

She was waiting on the stairs, and I let out a breath of relief.

“What is wrong?” she asked immediately, gripping the stair railing. “What’s happening, Lucas?”

“Get your bag,” I told her. “We have thirty seconds.”

There was no fear in her eyes. “He found us, hasn’t he?”

I didn’t know that for sure, but I wasn’t taking any chances. “I’m sorry, Leda,” I growled.

She didn’t say anything else and hurried upstairs to grab the bag she had packed long ago for a quick getaway. I didn’t need shit, but when she returned, she had a backpack thrown over her shoulder as well.

Taking the bag, I arched a brow. “You packed for me, too, didn’t you?”

She handed over the duffel bag to Emil. “Of course I did. Where are we going?”

I touched her, only because I needed to know that this wasn’t some sort of fucked-up dream. “We have no choice. We’re going to Nico.”

Despite everything Nico and Leda said, his place was still the safest location in New York. Leda would be safe there. With her safe, I could regroup on what we would do next.

I squeezed her hand, and steered her to the door into the SUV we had just vacated. Emil climbed into the passenger seat himself.

“What did you find?” Leda asked softly.

I shut the door, and the SUV took off. “A list of all my properties,” I told her, deciding it was best for me to tell her the truth. “And most were already crossed off.”