I wanted Adrian’s fucking head on a platter, right next to Carmine’s. He had stolen my Mafia from under me, and if he thought I was going to fade into the background and let him have it, he was sorely mistaken.

The dance floor was a fucking mess, the music and lights still pulsating in the now empty room. Bodies littered the mirrored space, but I paid them no attention, moving directly behind Emil as we made our way through a false door that had been blown open. My heart was pounding in my ears as I hoped to see Adrian in the space, my fingers already itching to torture the bastard until I finally killed him, but a quick sweep of the room told me that I would have to wait for that reunion.

“Fuck,” Emil confirmed, lowering his weapon. “He’s not here.”

Disappointment threaded through me as I did the same, looking at the carnage around us. There was a man propped up against the wall, bleeding from a wound on his head.

“Salos,” I said.

“Valentino,” he sneered, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I was wondering when you would crawl out of your fucking hole.”

I was already stripping off my suit coat. Salos had been the second-in-command to Mario Cotta, the Don of the Mare Nostra Mafia, and one of the Dons killed at the Black Dinner.

Salos had jumped at the chance to take over and was one of the first to pledge allegiance to Carmine. Or so the story went. I fucking hated the man. Not because of his infidelity. But because he just didn’t know when to shut his fucking mouth.

“Not the one I was looking for.”

He didn’t flinch. “Expecting Don Gallo? Didn’t he steal your Mafia from under you, Valentino?”

I let out a bark of a laugh. “Stealing is such a harsh word, Salos.”

He smirked. “It’s the truth, isn’t it? You know what else I’ve heard? I’ve heard you knocked up that D’Agostino bitch. Heard you’ve been whoring her out to all these other boys fighting for you. That’s how you got this army out of fucking nowhere, isn’t it?”

“Oh boy,” Emil said under his breath. “Really shouldn’t have said that.”

“Get the rest,” I told him instead as I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows and pulled out my knife. “There’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long, long time.”

“You go on,” Salos taunted, his eyes glittering with hate and rage. “Do whatever you feel you need to do, Valentino. That doesn’t change the fact that you ain’t winning this war.”

“Maybe,” I turned the blade in the low light, letting it glint. “But you won’t be around to see the end.”

Salos visibly swallowed and I started forward, grabbing his chin in my hands.

“You know,” I continued lightly, tracing the blade over his cheek. “I’m almost going to miss that voice of yours.”

After that, I made quick work of Salos, carving his face open to get better access to his tongue. By the time I was done, not even his mother would be able to recognize him. Without his tongue, he would drown in his own blood by the time Adrian and his men arrived.

Adrian would know that the true Don of the Cavazzo Mafia had been present tonight.

Emil found me a few moments later, scrubbing the blood off in the bathroom sink. “Feel better?” he asked, leaning against the doorframe.

“You know,” I started as I grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser. “I’m not sure why I haven’t fucking killed you yet for that mouth.”

“Because,” he stated. “I’m too goddamn witty for you to kill.”

I shook my head as I threw the paper towels in the trash. “Everyone’s accounted for?” While I had been busy carving up Salos, Emil and the others had been killing anyone that was left and snatching up weapons, as well as cash that would fund the next raid.

With few resources right now, I took all that I could get.

“Yeah,” Emil replied. “Cops will be on their way soon.”

I grinned. “Then let’s get out of here.”