“I am,” I told her, deciding to keep my personal opinions to myself for now. “I laid out in the bathroom the clothes that Emil brought. We have about an hour.”

At my words, she hurried out of bed, pressing a kiss to my lips on her way to the bathroom. I waited until the door was shut before I let out a pent-up breath. I could do this. I could stand aside for the good of our future.

When Leda emerged, I saw that Emil had picked her an outfit of power. From the sleeveless ribbed turtleneck to the leather pants that molded to her ass and sent my cock aching for more. “What?” she asked as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

I grinned. “I could just devour you right now.”

Her eyes roved over my body, encased in a black suit open at the neck. “And you, Lucas, look amazing.”

I held out my hand, and she took it, allowing me to pull her close. “If this is a fucking setup, I want you to run. Don’t hesitate.”

Leda’s lips parted. “Do you truly believe that?”

I didn’t want to think that, but in my profession, I had no choice but to assume the worst. My other hand slid down to her stomach.

“This is the most important thing,” I said hoarsely. “And since our kid is still attached to you, you are the most important thing as well.”

“What, as an incubator?” she teased, a glint in her eye.

I pressed my forehead to hers, breathing in her light citrus scent to keep me grounded. This tenderness I had for her now was a bit overwhelming. I didn’t even feel like myself. “I love you.”

Her smile died, and she clenched my hand tightly. “I love you too, Lucas. I did this for us. I hope you understand that.”

I was trying to.