Then, with a ragged cry that came from the depth of his soul, Lucas cried my name and poured into me.

For a moment, the world stood still. I watched him close his eyes and whisper something that I couldn’t make out, the utter relaxation on his handsome face tugging at my heart.

When he opened his eyes, I saw utter exhaustion in them.

“Leda,” he breathed, his hands sliding from my hips. “That was…”

“Not something you can put into words,” I finished for him, my own body echoing his sentiment.

He groaned and rolled off me, his body stretching out next to mine. I felt the sheen of sweat dotting my skin, but never before had I felt so complete.

This was where I belonged. I didn’t care what anyone had to say about it.

“Are you okay?”

I turned on my side to look into Lucas’s hauntingly beautiful eyes. “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

He glanced down between us at my stomach, and I felt my insides turn to mush. “I’m fine,” I told him, reaching up to brush back the lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead. “You can’t hurt us.”

“How did it happen?” he asked lightly, capturing my hand in his and pressing it against his chest.

“I’m not sure,” I told him honestly. “I had an IUD. The doctor said it was rare, but it could happen.”

Given the sheer crazy amount of sex we had, it wasn’t at all surprising.

His throat worked as he reached out and traced my stomach lightly. “A child,” he said softly. “Our child.”