This was not what I had in mind when I had thought of ways to tell him that he was going to be a father, but even the best-laid plans sometimes went awry.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out, hearing Emil take in a sharp breath. “I found out when I was in the hospital.”

For a moment Lucas just stared at me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” I said to him, not liking his silence. Was he withdrawing from me already? Was he so blown away by the news that he didn’t know how to react, or was this going to turn ugly? I didn’t know what Lucas wanted past his title or even if he had any notions of having children.

His jaw clenched before he looked over at Emil. “We have to leave.”

“Wait, what?” I asked as Emil went to do whatever Lucas meant by that phrase. Realizing I was holding onto his arm, I dropped my touch. “Lucas, talk to me.”

“Where you go?” Mrs. Wong demanded. “You safe here.”

Lucas looked over my head at the tiny woman, giving her a slight smile. “We can’t stay here and endanger you any longer. I should have left days ago.”

I could almost finish the sentence for him. This was where Lucas felt safe, with these people that were his family. That was why he had stayed so long.

“Xiao Lu,” Mr. Wong started to interject, but Lucas shook his head.

“I can’t, Baoshan. You know that. I will send word when we are safe.” Looking down at me, his smile faded. “Go get our things, Leda. Now.”

I had a million questions to ask him but held off. Something was wrong, and he didn’t want to say anything in front of the couple that would likely do whatever they could to keep him safe. “All right.”

On shaky legs, I made it upstairs and threw Lucas’s things into the backpack that Emil had brought, grabbing my bag as well. Now that my secret was out, I knew that we would have to discuss it at some point, but now I wasn’t sure what Lucas was going to say. He was acting oddly, seemingly wanting to get us somewhere else, and when he did, I didn’t know what would happen.

I just hoped he wouldn’t freak out like Nico had with Rory when he found out she was carrying his child.

When I made it back downstairs, Lucas was waiting for me at the back door that led to the alley. “Thank you,” I told the Wongs, tears clogging my throat.

“Take care her,” Mrs. Wong called out to Lucas as her husband touched her shoulder. “She what you need, Xiao Lu.”

“I will be in touch,” was all that he said as he ushered me out of the door and into the waiting SUV. He slid in beside me, and Emil pulled the SUV out into the streets of the city. I knew it was well past midnight, but I wasn’t the least bit tired and when Lucas reached over to grab my hand, I was surprised.

He didn’t say a word, and there wasn’t any need for them. I laid my head on his shoulder, concentrating on the slow circles his thumb was tracing on the top of my hand. I had so many unknowns right now, but the one thing that hadn’t changed was that I had gotten Lucas the help he needed. He could be upset all he wanted, but now he had an army, an army with money and weapons. But more importantly, an army who was out for vengeance.

It wasn’t just the three of us any longer, trying to take on my father and Adrian.

It was half of the Mafia families in the city, and soon both Adrian and my father would learn that they had pissed off the wrong people.

We didn’t travel far and when the SUV finally stopped, I lifted my head. Nearby, I could see the familiar arch of Washington Square Park.

“Come on,” Lucas said roughly and opened the door.

I followed him out, watching as Emil grabbed our bags and handed them to him. “I’ll be back,” Emil stated as he climbed back into the SUV.

“Where is he going?” I asked, following Lucas’s tall form.

“Supplies,” Lucas responded, stopping in front of what seemed to be an abandoned building.

I watched as he revealed a keypad and punched in some numbers, the door rumbling open a moment later. “What is this place?” I asked, stepping inside.

Lucas fumbled for the light switch and the building flared to life, revealing a warehouse with crates stacked everywhere. “This is my warehouse,” he stated, weaving us through the rows of crates. “We will be safe here.”

I didn’t know how to answer, so I remained silent as he tugged me up a set of stairs near the back and through another keypad entry before I found myself in a version of a warehouse loft. Lucas released my hand and dropped the bags on the nearby sofa before turning to me, but I was too busy taking in the simple loft, complete with an open floor plan that revealed a living room area, kitchen, and bedroom. There was a door to the left I could only assume was the bathroom, but it was far bigger than the Wongs’ apartment space had been.

Another hiding place, but at least we were alone. “Lucas,” I started as he moved toward me. “We need to talk.” About a lot of things, namely the elephant in the room that Mrs. Wong had so graciously pointed out.

I didn’t blame her. I should have told him after she got me to admit it, but selfishly I didn’t want to lose Lucas, so I hadn’t.