Chapter 6


I watched as Leda slept on the pillow next to me, her eyelids fluttering as if she was in some sort of dream. I hoped it was a good dream, filled with thoughts of me.

Yeah, I was a selfish bastard.

Careful not to jostle her, I slid my arm from under her body. Leda had no idea how much I had missed her, how much I had worried about her and the fact that I might not ever see her again. She was my other half, my fucking soul.

And she was lying next to me.

The heaviness in my chest was gone, knowing that Leda was safe for now. I just hated that I couldn’t protect her more.

Rolling out of the bed, I looked down at her, tugging the blanket higher on her bare shoulder. What I felt for her transcended anything I could have ever imagined. I would give up my fucking life for her if she asked, get down on my knees and let her run a knife through my heart to please her.

That scared the shit out of me. I could put distance between us, but the moment I did, I felt like the other half of me was missing.

Leda was under my skin in a bad way.

I grabbed my shirt from where I had thrown it on the floor hours before and shrugged it on, wincing as I felt the pull of my muscles. In the morning light, I could see the small bruises that dotted Leda’s skin and I wanted to put my hands around Adrian’s neck even more to make him pay for what he had done to both of us.

Mainly to Leda. He dared touch what was mine, and she had nearly died because of it. That was a sin I couldn’t forgive or forget.

I sat on the bed and placed my hand on Leda’s shoulder. “Leda,” I said, giving her a gentle shake. “Leda, wake up.”

Her eyes fluttered, and they popped open. “Lucas?” she asked sleepily.

I gave her a grin, brushing the hair out of her face. “It’s time to get up.”

She stretched, the blanket sliding down to reveal the swell of her breasts, barely encased in the flimsy bra she wore. My cock jumped to attention, already remembering how she had felt sheathed around it. What I wouldn’t give to have that happen again this morning, to lose myself in her warmth and forget the shit that awaited me outside the bedroom.

We couldn’t. “Come on,” I said instead, pushing my need down for now. “I’m sure they have breakfast ready.”

Leda sighed and threw back the covers, giving me a complete view of her luscious body. I groaned and as she turned, a smirk crossed her face. “What?”

I had no words. My mouth was dry at the sight of her gorgeous body, my hands itching to strip off the remaining clothes she had on and show her how much she meant to me. “Nothing,” I decided, stepping toward the door before I could change my mind.

Or my cock could for me. “Get dressed.”

I left her in the bedroom and found the main room empty, glad that the Wongs were downstairs. The couple liked to prep for the noon rush early, and I could already smell the canola oil burning on the woks. Sure enough, there was breakfast lying on the table, and I grabbed one of the buns, shoving it in my mouth. If nothing else, Ruhua was going to make certain I gained twenty pounds while I was here.

While I was home. The word crossed my thoughts, and I realized that this was the only home I had ever known truly. Sure, Cosimo had taken me under his wing and given me a life, but it was without any sort of warmth or feeling. All he had known was torture and pain, which he had instilled in me, making me into the monster that I was today.

But the Wongs had fussed over me from the moment I had stepped into their restaurant as an angry fifteen year old, and no matter the shit I was in, they always welcomed me with open arms. In turn, I had protected them.

I would protect them still.

Fishing out the cell phone in my jeans, I dialed Emil’s number.

Emil answered on the first ring. “Yes, Don?”

“I need you to come over here,” I told him. “Make certain you aren’t followed.”

“Have there been developments?” he asked lightly, a note of concern in his voice.

I laughed harshly. “You could say that.” A big development named Leda.

“Be there shortly.”

I ended the call just as Leda walked out, pulling her long hair up in a ponytail. There was something about her, something new, and it wasn’t just because I hadn’t seen her for days. She looked like she was glowing.

“What?” she asked as she crossed the room, looking down at the fare that Ruhua had put out for us.

“Nothing,” I stated, swallowing hard. “Emil is on his way.”

Her eyes widened. “He’s in the city?”

I nodded, motioning toward the food. “Eat something while we wait.”