Chapter 28


As if this day couldn’t get any shittier.

I watched as Leda’s brother strolled through the door like he owned the joint, his hands in his pockets. “Well,” he stated, his eyes finding his sister’s. “I see you made your decision.”

Wait, what?

Leda’s jaw clenched much like mine and her hand went protectively over her stomach, making me realize exactly what he had been talking about.

Oh fuck, no. Had she really thought about getting rid of our child?

“I have,” she stated, lifting her chin. “It was never an option for me.”

Something loosened in my chest, and I found it easier to breathe again, knowing that the thought hadn’t crossed her mind at all.

But now we had a bigger problem. “How the fuck did you find us?” I asked, drawing his attention away from Leda.

Nico D’Agostino looked over at me, chuckling. “Did you really think I couldn’t?”

He was right, of course. With Nico’s new connections, I imagined it hadn’t been hard at all. “Showing off?”

If he heard the sarcasm in my voice, he didn’t mention it. “What are you doing, Leda?” he asked instead, his attention back on his sister.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she shot back.

It wasn’t hard to see the surprise in her expression that her brother was standing there, and it was easy for me to pick out the hurt that was reflected in her eyes that they weren’t having a happy reunion at all. I was still fuming about her slipup, knowing that she didn’t say it to hurt me, but it still fucking hurt regardless. More so, she was right. This was her rodeo, not mine, and I didn’t know where I fit in this shit any longer.

Or even if I fit at all.

Nico chuckled dryly. “You know exactly what I mean. I’ve been hearing rumors. How my baby sister is suddenly the new Mafia Don leading a war of resistance against our father. And you.” He glanced over at me. “What the fuck were you thinking, putting her in charge?”

“Careful,” I cautioned, a lethal tone to my voice. “Choose your words lightly, D’Agostino.”

I might not have had much to do with getting booted in favor of Leda, but it didn’t mean I didn’t support the hell out of her.

“This is my fucking place, not yours.” I said.

Nico’s nostril flared as he fought to control his temper. “You’re right,” he finally said. “I overstepped. Rory sends her love. She said to tell you that she’s worried about you both. As for me, I couldn’t give two shits about you, Valentino.”

Some of the fight left Leda. “I miss her, but I’m fine. Lucas is keeping us safe.”

While I appreciated her trust in my ability, there was an all-new worry that Nico had found us. We weren’t safe here any longer, and I was going to have to work on an alternative location while not giving us away.


“Your cover is blown,” Nico was saying.

“He’s right,” I interjected, hating that I even had to agree with him. “You should go with him, Leda.”

It would fucking kill me to be apart from her, especially right now, but she was safer in a tower that was being protected by the police. I couldn’t provide that level of protection for her and our kid.

And nothing was going to stop me from protecting them both.

She glared at both of us. “Are you freaking serious right now? One minute you are trying to take control of the plan I came up with, and the next you want me to go back with my brother? I don’t understand where your thoughts are, but they aren’t in the right part of your brain, that’s for sure!”

Nico banged on his chest. “Must be something stuck there.”