“This is not up for debate,” he said tightly. “It’s final, Leda. Drop it.”

I just stared at him, knowing that this was his alpha overprotective side coming out. I liked to think that the thought of losing me or this child scared Lucas to death, which was even more of a reason for him not to take unnecessary moves that would take him away from us.

Yet he was trying to take everything away from me, and I thought this was a partnership. I had brought these men here to him, to his cause, and without me, he would be dead.

“I’m not going to drop it,” I crossed my arms over my chest. “These are my men to control. I need to know what they are doing out there.”

The moment those words left my mouth, I knew I made a mistake.

Lucas’s eyes went hard, and that stubborn jaw of his clenched so tight that I thought it might shatter.

“I mean these are our men to control.” I tried to correct myself.

“They aren’t coming here,” he finally said, walking off before I could apologize.

Great. Just great. Things were already a little tense because they had come for me, not him, and now I had all but told him that I was favored over him.

The whole reason we were doing this was so that he could get his title back from Adrian. Eliminating my father was going to be the icing on the cake.

Unfortunately, Lucas now thought I wanted that title of his and the power that went with it.

And that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Lucas was almost to the door when it opened suddenly, and my brother walked through.