I nodded and stared up at the ceiling as he checked me, answering his questions. Once he was done, he slid the gloves off and threw them in the trash. “Everything looks good. I’m going to have them set you up an appointment with me when they discharge you. Congratulations, Ms. D’Agostino.”

“Thanks,” I replied awkwardly as he gave me a little wave and walked out. There was no denying it. I was pregnant. My hand slid over my stomach, and I tried to picture it growing by the month, the baby inside developing right along until one day it made an appearance and I became a mother.

A mother. It didn’t seem real at all. Someday, very soon, I would have a little person that would be counting on me to protect him or her.

Nico and Rory walked in, and I shifted in the bed.

“Well?” Nico demanded. There was a brusqueness in his voice that almost reminded me of our father.

I looked at him. “I don’t have to tell you anything, you know. I’m old enough to take care of myself.”

A mirthless laugh barked out of my brother’s throat. “You know that you are carrying Lucas Valentino’s kid, right?”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at him. “I think I know who I had in my bed, Nico.”

His jaw clenched. “And you plan to keep it?”

The way my brother said it shocked me. The casual callousness. The roughness of his voice. If I closed my eyes, I could almost imagine it was my father talking down at me, and not the big brother who always kept me protected.

My mouth parted. “I can’t think about that right now.”

“You have to,” Nico replied evenly, ignoring Rory’s glare. “You don’t have much time, Leda. If you have this child—”

He didn’t finish, but he didn’t need to. I knew what he was going to say. I would be bound to Lucas forever.

Not that I wasn’t already. “This is my decision, Nico. Not yours.”

Nico didn’t look happy about it. “Maybe we should go find some coffee,” Rory suggested.

“No,” I answered. “Wait. I need to find Lucas.”

“Leda,” my brother growled, but I held up my hand, silencing him.

“I need to see him,” I reiterated. I needed to first know that he was okay, but then we needed to discuss this baby. I couldn’t make this decision on my own. I wouldn’t make this decision on my own.

“No,” Nico said, shaking his head. “You aren’t going back to him. He’s done enough to fuck up your life, and I won’t let him do it any longer!”

“Nico,” Rory warned, but my brother was already approaching the bed.

“Do you not realize what this means?” he bellowed. “Do you not realize what has been lost today? Vincent is dead! Dead, Leda!”

Tears clogged my throat as I remembered Vincent’s words before the car had flipped over and he was gone.

“I know,” I stated. “I know what this has cost you and that Vincent is dead, but this is my life, Nico! Not yours!”

Nico balled his fist. “I can’t lose you again, Leda! You don’t know what I have gone through trying to find you! I’m not about to just let you walk out and disappear again!”

“I know that you are angry,” I said. “But I told you. This is my life, and I am going to find Lucas with or without your help.”

Rory stepped up to her husband’s side, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t you step out for a second, darling? I want to speak to Leda. Alone”

Nico looked like he didn’t want to leave, but Rory gave him a smile and he blew out a breath. “Fine. Talk some fucking sense into her then.”

“No need to be an asshole about it,” I grumbled as my brother stalked out of the room.

Rory shut the door and leaned against it. “Well,” she started, chuckling. “That could’ve gone better.”

“I have to find him,” I started, smoothing my hand over the blanket. “I can’t just turn my back on what my heart says.”