

Six Months Later

I sighed as the water lapped at my toes, my elbows digging into the soft sand. It was a beautiful day, the sun high in the sky and not a cloud in sight. The water was perfect, the right mixture of warm and cool to keep me coming back for more.

Not only that, but I wasn’t pregnant anymore and was drinking my fair share of fruity alcoholic beverages without a worry about what it was doing to my breast milk for the first time in two months.

Adjusting my sunglasses, I watched as Lucas started to walk out of the ocean, the sun glistening off his perfect body. He reminded me a little of James Bond when he did that, and a little sigh escaped me. He was mine, my husband, my perfect partner.

“What?” he asked as he joined me in the sand, a grin on his face.

“Nothing,” I told him, gazing at his flat abdomen. “I was just thinking about how this is our last day in Aruba.” It was our impromptu honeymoon, one that we’d waited on until I had given birth to enjoy ourselves.

“Diapers and bottles,” he said. “I can’t wait.”

I bumped his shoulder with mine, knowing full well that he didn’t care at all. Our son, Patrick Emil Valentino, had his father wrapped around his finger, possibly since the moment he made his announced arrival into the world. Lucas, my big bad don who had seen his fair share of violence, had held our son and sobbed like a baby, something that I would never share with anyone else. The perfect, dark-haired baby had taken us both by storm, and after a week away from him, I missed him.

But it had been nice to not have to worry about diapers and bottles or late-night feedings, instead investing our time and energy in each other. From the moment the plane set down on this lush, tropical island, I had given all my time to Lucas, and if it wasn’t for the birth control I was on, we might be giving Patrick a sibling with all the sex we had been having.

Not that I would mind having more children, just not right at this moment.

“You think that Nico is getting along just fine?” Lucas asked after a moment, resting his arm on his raised knee. “I mean, four kids.”

“He has nannies,” I reminded my husband. “Surely he can make it through.” Rory had given birth to her first little girl a month before I had and with Nico still trying to get used to his new disability, she had doubled their help. I had to admit, my brother was the strongest person I knew. He had taken it all in stride, and when Lucas had asked him to be his advisor for the newly formed Cavazzo-D’Agostino Mafia, I had half expected him to decline.

But he had accepted, and it warmed my heart to see that my brother and my husband were getting along as well as they were.

Lucas looked over at me. “You still don’t want one?”

I shook my head. “Maybe after two, but right now I’ve enjoyed it.” Sure, there was a little more lack of sleep these days, but watching my son learn his surroundings was unlike anything I had experienced.

He picked up my hand and pressed his lips to it. “Whatever my queen demands.”

Rolling my eyes, I rose from the sand. “What I want is to spend the day with you, Don Valentino.”

Lucas’s eyes darkened, and he stood, pulling me close so I could feel his arousal. “And I can make that happen. I live to serve you.”

When he said things like that, my heart melted in my chest. “Then take me to the villa.”

He did as I asked, and the moment the door shut behind us, Lucas had me pressed against the wall. “You unman me,” he whispered against my neck, pushing aside the bikini cup to free my breast.

I moaned and arched against his touch, begging him for more. It wouldn’t matter how many years passed between us. I would always feel this way about him. My hands went into his hair as his hand wandered down my body, sliding beneath the waistband of my bikini bottoms to touch me. “Fuck, you are soaking wet,” he murmured, nipping at my skin. “I think we should stay another week so I can have you whenever I want.”

“I think that Nico will ship Patrick to us,” I murmured, gasping when his fingers started the slow assault on my throbbing clit. “Please, Lucas.”

“Patience, my love,” he said, his mouth dipping to take my nipple in his teeth. He tugged, and I cried out as the orgasm shook me to my core, finding it much easier to do that these days.

Lucas was already untying the bows at my hips, baring me to him before he swept in. We both groaned as he filled me to the core, throbbing against my walls. “You are fucking amazing,” he groaned. “Wrap your legs around me, Leda.”

I did as he asked and he drove into me hard, my body shattering around him. This was how it was meant to be between us, where we could take and give with each other but never forget the love between us. “Lucas,” I breathed, my teeth grazing his jaw. “Fuck me hard, Valentino.”

“Gladly,” he growled, finding a rhythm.

I clung to his hard form, feeling the waves of pleasure slide over me until he finally released himself with a shout, pressing his forehead to mine. “That was amazing,” I told him, breathless.

“It always is,” he replied, his breathing just as harsh. “Give me a moment. I’m not used to your appetite.”