Suddenly, something skidded towards me. It was the guard’s gun. I picked it up in my uninjured hand, my heart hammering in my chest. This had to end.

I needed for this to end.

Raising the gun to my father’s face, I watched as a flicker of surprise shone in his expression when he heard the hammer cock.

“Well now,” he stated, smirking. “You surprise me at every turn, Leda. Perhaps I underestimated you.”

“You don’t deserve to live,” I bit out, my hand shaking.

He shook his head. “I’m proud of you, daughter. You have the true blood of a D’Agostino in you.”

When he turned from me, the bloodied knife raised to deliver the killing blow against Lucas, I thought about all the conversations that I’d had with Lucas and Nico about killing someone, about how it would haunt me for the rest of my days. I could leave my father to face his own fate, which was going to be a nasty one at that, or I could end his reign right here, right now.

“Look at me.” I snarled.

He turned his attention back to me and I fired, watching as his head snapped back and his brains splatter on the wall of knives. He slumped down unceremoniously, twitched a couple of times, and went still. I struggled to my feet, aimed the gun at his body, and kept firing until the action cleared and the gun clicked uselessly.

A sob escaped my lips me as the gun fell from my hand and clattered to the floor.

I did it. I killed the monster that haunted me since I was a little girl.

“Don D’Agostino,” a voice called out, causing me to turn abruptly to the doorway. There were men now pouring in, their guns raised as if they were looking for a fight, but there was no one left to fight for.

“Carmine is dead,” I said, feeling the room starting to spin. “You have a new Don.”

There was a clatter as I realized that I was falling. Strong arms caught me before I could hit the floor. “Help them,” I murmured.

“Yes ma’am,” the voice stated, lowering me to the carpet. I saw Lucas’s still and bloodied form out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to reach for him, but he felt like he was a million miles away. Then darkness swallowed me whole before I could even say another word.