First I was getting my title back.

Then, I was going to kill them all.

Chapter 48


I reached the small garage and went to my motorcycle in the far corner. I needed something that would let me catch up to Leda as fast as I could. Emil caught up to me, AK in hand.

I reached out. “Give me your gun.”

He handed the AK over immediately. I slung it over my chest and revved the engine. “Rally the boys,” I told him. “We’re headed to the city. Leda and Nico are in danger. It’s time to go loud.”

Emil’s words were drowned out with me zooming down the drive and taking the turn toward town. I had to get to Leda before Carmine did, wishing I hadn’t been so insistent in getting her to leave. She had been right this entire fucking time, and I was just too arrogant and proud to see it. I sent her to her doom.

Finally, I spied the car up ahead, and the knot loosened in my chest. I was almost there. I was almost at Leda.

The shots came out of nowhere and I ducked, tightening my grip on the accelerator. Someone was after Leda, and I would die before I let them get to her.

I ate up the road quickly, but before I could get to the car, it swerved once, then twice, and my heart stopped in my fucking chest. Someone was firing after the car, and they weren’t missing.

Swinging the AK around, I fired behind me the best I could while I kept my eyes on the car. If I could just reach Leda, I could get her to safety. On these windy upstate roads, you could get the drop on someone around every bend. As long as Leda was safe, I could ambush these fuckers.

All I needed was a chance. “Hang on,” I murmured, pulling the gun back around to me. “I’m coming, Leda.” Once Leda was back in my arms, I would never let her go again. I was a fool for ever doing so.

The car swerved violently before a tire exploded in the back, and I watched in horror as the vehicle started to barrel roll down the road, parts flying everywhere.


I had to slow up to avoid the pieces of metal that came my way, abandoning the bike and firing my gun to hold off whoever had been coming after her while I ran to the car, glad that it hadn’t gone over the sharp embankment at least. If Leda was dead, I would rip their fucking heads off.

The air cracked like a whip overhead as bullets snapped overhead. I raced to the car. There was movement in the back seat. Leda was alive.

She had to be.

When her face appeared in the window, I nearly wept in relief. “Leda!” I yelled.

“Lucas?” she cried out, yanking at the door. “I can’t get the door opened!”

“It’s okay,” I told her as I skidded to a stop. “I’m here. Hang on.”

There was blood on her face and hands, and her eyes were wide with fear. “Lucas, please hurry,” she begged as I attempted to yank on the door handle. “They are coming.”

“I got you, Leda,” I told her firmly. “I’m not going to let them hurt you. Just hang on for me, all right?”

“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, tears streaming down her face. “I love you. Please, I love you.”

Her words were breaking my heart, and I yanked on the door harder, feeling the metal cut into the palm of my hand as I tried to open it to no avail. I was failing her, as I had been doing all this time. She trusted me to save her, and I couldn’t get the fucking door open.

“Hang on, Leda!” I cried desperately. “Just fucking hang on!”

“Lucas,” she said softly, catching my attention. “Lucas, look at me.”

I did as she asked, knowing that the fear was showing on my face. I recognized that tone in her voice, hating that I couldn’t break the door open and give her a reason to take it back.

“No,” I bit out. “No, don’t you fucking dare say goodbye. I’m getting you out of here, Leda!”

Gunfire started, and I felt the sting of a bullet on my arm before it slammed into the car. I heard a shriek from Leda.