Even if Adrian hadn’t been there, bidding on me, what did Lucas think was going to happen?

That room had been full of Dons that my father screwed over. And they had all been itching to see him squirm for once.

There was no happy ending there no matter what would have happened. No matter who bought me that night, I would be nothing but an object. Something to hurt. Something break for the sake of breaking.

I would have fought. And Ididtry to fight Adrian. But in that futile moment, he showed me how easily I could be overpowered.

It was a sobering conclusion to come to. And no matter how much my body craved his touch, my heart could never forget his betrayal—the act that would have made me pay the ultimate price.

I was his weakness. It was both thrilling and heart-rending. A Don didn’t like to have a weakness.

Given the chance, would he get rid of me again? That was the fear that consumed me with each passing hour that I remained in his presence.

A sudden noise caught my attention before the house shook, and I cried out as pings bounced off the window that I had been looking out.

What on earth?

My heart jammed in my throat, I pressed my face to the window, noting that the car was still there, but the two men that had been standing there weren’t. Instead, there were body parts everywhere.


I choked on my breath and raced to the door, pulling on the doorknob frantically. It was locked, and I groaned in frustration, slamming my hand against the wood. What if Lucas had been down there? What if he had been close enough to whatever that was?

I turned back to the closed balcony door, halting my steps. I could open the door, but if we were under attack, I would be subjecting myself to a potential bullet.

Crossing the room, I looked at the cracks in the glass, thankful that the doors had held up. I had just been standing there, with no cause for concern. But if that glass had broken, I would have had a face full of shards, likely causing permanent damage.

I hoped he was okay.

Biting my lower lip, I tried to see past the cracks, looking at the chaos as guards ran around, taking orders from someone. Maybe Lucas was okay. He was tough, and unless he had been close to whatever had gone off, I was sure his guards were there to protect him.

He had to be okay.

I scoffed softly at myself at the realization. I had my answer. No matter what he had done to me, I couldn’t lose him.

If I lost him, then my entire future was up in the air. If someone was attacking the house, then I would be vulnerable to being taken. Because I was a hot commodity. Because I was the daughter of Carmine D’Agostino.

I hated it.

The door splintered open, and my heart lodged in my throat as I turned, ready to fight for my life.

Instead, I found myself staring at Lucas.

Chapter 13


Lucas looked like he had just gone through war. During our time together, I had grown used to seeing him bloodied.

And each time, the sight affected me the exact same way.

“Lucas,” I breathed, stark fear evident on my face. “What was that? Oh my God, you are bleeding!” Even now, concern flooded me as he stalked into the bedroom and shut the door, his eyes raking over my body.

“Are you hurt?” he growled, his voice bordering on the edge of lethal.

Lucas’s eyes flickered to the glass behind me and went cold. He realized the same thing I did just moments ago, and the gravity of the close call that might have been settled in him.

“You’re hurt,” I finally forced out, moving toward the bathroom.