I huddled in the corner of the seat, the cold leather of the helicopter seat biting into my practically naked body. Flying in helicopters never bothered me like it did other people. But then again, I’ve never flown in such a state of undress.

Nor under such state of duress.

Blowing out a breath, I watched as the lights of New York City drop away behind us into the night sky as we ascended. I wondered where I was going.

Correction, wherewewere going.

Valentino hadn’t even once glanced my way since he climbed in. The steadythump-thump-thumpof the blades was the only noise between us. It was clear from his words that this wasn’t going to be anything different than what I had already gathered.

He wanted to own me. He was going to own me. Valentino had some sort of vendetta against my father, and he already decided that I would be the one to pay the price of that vendetta.

A lump formed in my throat as I thought about my brother. Nico would be livid at what was happening, but he had too much to lose now. He had a family, a wife that loved him, and a son he had to protect. The last thing he needed was to be worried about me.

And besides, we both knew how strong my father’s ties were to the other Mafias.

Well, that was until tonight. The auction proved that my father’s support had practically evaporated overnight, which meant that no one was coming to save me. No one was going to stand up for the daughter of Carmine D’Agostino.

I was on my own.

It probably didn’t matter either. Why Valentino even bothered to put me in this helicopter was beyond me. Maybe he was going to push me out once we were far enough. I didn’t believe for one second that he was looking to do anything but destroy me.

But for twenty million dollars, I knew he was going to draw this out as long as he could.

Despite my resolve to not look at him, I couldn’t help glance over at Valentino when the helicopter started to descend. His jaw clenched with the movement.

No way. Was my captor afraid of flying?

From the way he was clenching his jaw and flexing his hands on his knees, I would think so.

A smirk crossed my lips. So, there were cracks in his façade after all. The moment dissipated rapidly. Unless I was going to keep him in this helicopter forever, this small victory wasn’t going to last.

As soon as the helicopter came to a halt, Valentino started breathing normally once more. His guard Rocco got out first, and he followed.

As he stepped out, he looked back at me. “Welcome home, Leda.”

The rush of cool air forced me to move, my skin grew cold to the touch and my bare feet were freezing as they walked across the concrete slab. I couldn’t believe just a short while ago, I had been complaining about my sandals. Now I wished I still had them.

“This way,” he said, walking ahead of me without any concern.

I glanced back at the helicopter as it powered down, and saw nothing beyond the darkness. I didn’t know if we were dangling off a cliff or if there was a forest awaiting me without the shine of light.

I had no idea where I was.


I closed my eyes against the harsh tone of his voice and forced my sore feet to move, not even looking at him as I swept past him and into the door he was holding.

The warm air replaced the cool one immediately, and I looked down at the hardwood flooring under my bare feet. Dim lighting illuminated the hallway. It was a modern home, one of those that were all angled wood and glass, with a floating glass staircase to my right.

“Up the stairs,” Valentino stated, shutting the door behind him. “I will show you to your room.”

I didn’t want him to show me anything other than a way out, but I held my tongue. The more he believed I was meek and willing to behave, the more of a chance I had of him letting down his guard.

Then I would strike.

I walked up the stairs to the second landing, noting the open floor space over the railing as I passed. Everything about the house looked warm and inviting.

Everything but the owner.