“You think she’s embarrassed?”

The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. “Embarrassed? Why would she be embarrassed?” Just because she’d let him have his way with her… again?

Ravi lifted a shoulder, then let it fall. “She acted out of character, let her wilder side run free.”

“She was asleep.”

“And probably dreaming about screwing you. She had an orgasm while she thought she was dreaming about you, man. You get what that means, right?”

Ryan stared at him, waiting for the answer to appear.

Ravi rolled his eyes, as if Ryan was such a simpleton. “She dreams about you. Shewantsyou.”

Ryan considered his friend’s words. Is that what her actions meant? Did Cassie dream about him? Did she secretly want him?

“She was on top of you. You didn’t initiate this. She wouldn’t have ridden you, if she didn’t want to,” Ravi reasoned.

Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully? If Cassie really did want him, maybe they could…

“I don’t want her to think this is just some hook-up that we can just get off and … What?” He demanded when Ravi just shook his head.

“You, the ‘screw ‘em and leave ‘em king’, afraid of becoming Cassie’s booty call.”

True. It sounded absurd, but she’d done it before. Hell, last time, she’d sworn despite the outcome, they’d never be anything serious.

At the worried look on Ryan’s face, Ravi grew serious. “Convince her.”


“If you want her for real, convince her you’re worthy of a chance.”

Ryan let his friend’s words float around in his brain. Could he do that? Could he convince Cassie they could be more than just friends and co-parents? Could he show her that pleasure and friendship could be more? He could damn sure try.

Chapter Six

The Patels had spared no expense for their annual Christmas party. White lights spanned the high ceiling of their great room, and every flat surface held a vase with flickering battery operated candles. In the fireplace, they’d replaced the logs with real candles in varying heights burning warmly. So far, Ryan had counted no less than four Christmas trees of at least 6 feet. He hadn’t bothered to count the smaller ones. Food covered long tables set up around the perimeter of the dining room. In the corner, two men in white shirts, black vests and bow ties served cocktails, beer, wine and champagne from behind the Patels’ bar. Although the food tables appeared untouched, everyone held a glass in their hands as they chatted above the strains of a Christmas carol in the background.

Sophie waved when she spotted him surveying the crowd. As usual, Ravi’s wife stood in the middle of a group of women, each of them hanging on her every word. She’d dressed to impress tonight in a tight red dress that dipped to expose her cleavage. Ryan didn’t want Sophie, but he did feel a stab of envy toward Ravi. What would it be like to watch a woman all night, knowing she belonged to you? How would it feel to know in the middle of this crowded party you could touch her whenever you wanted?

To the left of the group of women, Ravi chatted with Levi Livingston and two men from his firm. Ryan’s gut tightened. How did everyone just accept this asshole back into the fold like he hadn’t betrayed Cassie and broken her heart? Ryan wouldn’t. Not with Levi’s “apology” still fresh in his mind. Hopefully, the asshole would stay on the other side of the room tonight. After the shit week he’d had, Ryan was not in the mood for anyone’s stupidity. He and Cassie hadn’t spoken more than a few matter-of-fact, strictly for the benefit of their daughter, words to one another all week. Although the awkwardness was no doubt due to the make out session they had on her couch a week ago, he couldn’t determine if she was angry, embarrassed or something else entirely.

Scanning the room, he hoped to find her. No doubt she’d be here, but when he’d asked if she wanted a ride, she made some quip about not wanting to get stranded when he found someone to hook up with. The comment had been unnecessary. He never hooked up with other women with Cassie around. He might talk, flirt, make plans for a future date, but he never took anyone home from a party or event that involved Cassie. Until he talked to Ravi, he’d assumed she had the same self-imposed rule. Now, he realized Cassie never took anyone home from anywhere. Not seeing her in the crowded house, he sauntered to the bar for a drink. If she did show up, he’d probably spend the night watching her ignore him. If he were honest with himself, the true reason he never took anyone home from parties had more to do with the way Cassie distracted him all night and less to do with any chivalric deed on his part.

A warm, slight female weight bumped against his side. Turning his attention from the room, Ryan looked down into a smiling face.

“Oh, excuse me.”

He didn’t recognize the woman who’d stumbled against him. When he looked at her, the word “shiny” came to mind. Everything about her shined: her long platinum blonde hair, twinkling green eyes and slickly painted plump, red lips. As she shuffled back, he saw she wore a tiny red dress covered in sparkles that she filled out nicely. Even her stilettos, which accentuated a pair of well-toned legs, had glitter on them.

Giggling, she brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “I didn’t see this rug and tripped right over it.”

Ryan shot her a slow grin, the one Cassie claimed made panties drop. All but hers, of course. “No problem. Glad I could break your fall.”

The woman smiled back at him. Damn, she had a nice mouth.

“I’ve never been here before. I haven’t known Sophie long, so I was hesitant, but everyone said I wouldn’t want to miss a party thrown by the Patels so…” She shrugged. The movement caused her high breasts to push against the already plunging neckline of her dress.

Ryan feared for the fabric.