“Who told you I couldn’t make it through the shoot without an orgy?”

Shaking her head, she tried to wave off his question. “No one. I was just —”


“Ryan, this is pointless. What you did or didn’t do doesn’t matter. We’ve never been more than one night.” And her heart broke at the truth of those words because she wanted all his nights.

“Because you won’t let us be, because you assume when I’m away that I have orgies?”

Assume? She didn’t have to assume. “I saw you. I flew to Costa Rica to tell you I was pregnant in person. A woman opened the door. I saw you behind her, buried in some other blonde. I don’t assume you do these things, Ryan. I know.”

Turning away, she scrubbed her hands over her face. She couldn’t keep her emotions at bay any longer. She wanted Ryan. ShelovedRyan. Neither was his fault. “You need to go.”

“What? Why?” Taking her by the shoulders, he spun her around. “We need to talk about this, Cassie.”

She shrugged off his touch. “Why? We never have before.”

“Because you didn’t tell me. I would’ve—”

“What? I saw you. I couldn’t see that and pretend you were off in Costa Rica counting the days till you returned to me. You didn’t offer to marry me because you loved me or wanted me. You offered because you’re a good guy and you wanted to do the right thing.” Only, forcing him to be faithful to her would never be right.

And she couldn’t accept the alternative.

Smirking, he turned away. “After all that, you say I’m a good guy?”

New tears warmed her eyes. “I do think you’re a good guy. I’ve never thought you did anything wrong.”

He spun back, his dark gaze boring into her. “What did you do after you saw me in Costa Rica?”

She didn’t like to think about the mess she’d been leaving his hotel with no plan. “I flew home and started planning how to raise my child.”

“Alone?” He demanded. He’d never spoken to her this harshly before.

“You never asked to be tied to me. I wasn’t going to make you. I should’ve known I wouldn’t have to.”

“If I’d have been alone, where would we be now?” His brown eyes glistened.

“Ifs aren’t —”

“Where, Cassie?”

She jumped at the force in his voice. “I don’t know. I’d hoped we could see where things went.”

Cursing under his breath, he paced to the window and stood rigidly. Even beneath the jacket he wore, she could make out the tension in his muscles.

Finally, with a sigh, he muttered, “I’m so fucking sorry, Cass.”

She closed her eyes against the regret in his words. “You don’t owe me an apology. All you’ve ever done is what I asked. I’m the one who keeps dreaming up scenarios that are never going to happen.”

In the next breath, he spun and strode across the room to her. “Don’t say that.” Clutching her hips, he snapped her forward, so her body smashed against his. “Please don’t say never, Baby.” He crushed his mouth to hers, demanding surrender.

Despite the cold that had encapsulated her since seeing Brooke, the press of his rock-hard body warmed her. Thawed her. Whether or not Ryan could ever only want her, he’d always beThe Onefor her. Both her body and heart recognized that truth. He backed her up until her shoulders bumped the wall, then stood feeding from her mouth, exploring her body with hands that knew her too well.

Small footsteps sounded on the floor above them. “Are you finished yet? I’m hungry.”

Cassie’s eyes snapped open. This close, she could make out each varied shade of brown in Ryan’s eyes.

Reluctantly, he pulled away as Ellie’s footsteps grew closer.