She shot him a blank look. One that said, “you know good and damn well why I’m here.”

Offering a smile, he nodded. “Okay, so maybe I have an idea. Why don’t you tell me though?”

She shifted from foot to foot, looking everywhere in the studio but his face.Not good. If she couldn’t even look at him, no way would she sleep with him. He should do the chivalrous thing and put her out of her misery.

“Look Cass, forget what I said. You were right —”

“I’ll do it.”

His words stumbled to a halt. “What?”

Straightening her shoulders, she finally met his gaze. “I’ll do it.” She shook her head. “I mean, I think we should sleep together again.”

His heart pounded in his chest. Excitement pumped through his veins. Without thinking, he sprung forward ready to wrap her in his arms and take her. Now.


He froze. “Once?”

She blinked. “Well, one night. If you think you can perform more than once…” The corner of her mouth curved slightly.

Oh, didn’t she think she was cute? He’d show her a performance. “Anything else?”

Her lips thinned. “Not at either of our houses.”

“What? Why?” How could he woo her and sleep with her if he couldn’t do it at their homes? He didn’t want another stolen quickie in a boathouse.

“Ryan,” she warned. “I need to do this my way. We have our night and then we go back to our own lives. Nothing changes… Just like last time.”

Her words sucker punched him in the gut. For him, everything changed last time. Being with Cassie, experiencing hands-down the most explosive sex he’d ever had and creating Ellie — his whole fucking world had flipped. No doubt a repeat would be no different. Except this time he’d come prepared.

“What?” she asked when he only stared back at her. “Did you change your mind?”

“No.” He couldn’t let her start down that road of doubt. But, if not my house and not yours, where?”

She lifted a shoulder under her bulky coat. “Somewhere neutral. A hotel maybe. I just need somewhere where I won’t have to remember.”

“You want to sleep with me then forget?” He’d slept with a lot of women who didn’t want anything from him, but none who wanted to forget being with him. “Listen Cass, maybe this isn’t a good idea. Forget I mentioned —”

“Are you serious?” Voice rising, she stomped closer. “After all this, you just change your mind? You don’t want me anymore?” Spinning away, she stomped toward the door.

Not want her? Was she kidding? Forcing his brain and feet into action, he sprinted toward her. When he reached her, he grabbed her shoulders and whirled her around to face him. She stumbled backward, pulling him off balance. They landed against the door. Cassie’s soft curves absorbed his body, forcing a small puff of air from her lips.

“Are you okay?” he asked, looking her over.

She shoved him away. “I’m fine, just leave me alone.” Her voice cracked. The determination he’d sensed earlier gave away to vulnerability.

Ryan crushed his mouth to hers, devouring any protest she might try to voice and pouring every bit of his desire into her. If she thought he didn’t want her, he’d prove her wrong. He’d never wanted anyone the way he’d always want Cassie. She melted into his kiss, her body soft and pliant between his and the door. Lifting one hand, he cupped her cheek, holding her in place so he could feast on her. The taste of cinnamon teased his tongue, the former comforting sensation now fueling a more urgent emotion.

Panting, he managed to pull away long enough to declare, “I want you. I’ll never change my mind.”

“You said forget it.” The kisses had left her breathless, her lips red and swollen.

Somehow, he wanted her more.

Pressing a finger to her lips, he told her, “Don’t. Don’t forget it. Say you’ll do it. Say you’ll be with me.” By an act of God, he managed to stop himself before he said please. If she didn’t agree soon, he still might.

“Nothing changes.”