“No. No, I did not have sex with Ryan.”

Jana raised a brow. “Ellie proves otherwise. In case no one told you, that’s where babies come from.”

Cassie’s two so-called friends shared a laugh. She gifted them with another eye roll. “Fine,” she conceded. “But I didn’t have sex with him again. Not recently. We just…”

Now Jana squealed. “Oh my God.”

Sophie trotted to the door on sky high heels and flipped the sign to “closed.”

“What are you doing?” Cassie protested. “We’re not closed.”

“We need details,” Sophie replied, like that explained everything.

Jana nodded at her conspirator.

“No you don’t, and we certainly don’t shut down the store to gossip.”

The other women again shared a glance. One that seemed to ask how they’d managed to get saddled with a friend as clueless as Cassie.

Sophie slipped the lock into place. “Spill it.”

Cassie’s gaze swung from one determined friend to the other. Resigned, she took a deep breath. “Where do I even start?”

Always helpful, Sophie offered, “Probably with dry-humping Ryan last week.”

She swung around to glare at her friend.

Sophie stared back doe-eyed. “Jana deserves the whole story.”

“You dry humped Ryan?” Jana demanded.

Cassie scrubbed her hands over her face. How had this become her life? “I was asleep. I didn’t realize I was actually… riding him, until I woke up.”

“In the middle of an orgasm,” Sophie supplied with a smile.

Cassie shot her friend a glare. “You’re just full of help this morning, aren’t you?”

Sophie responded by lifting one slender shoulder.

“Wait.” Jana shook her head as if the movement would somehow make sense of all she heard. “You rode Ryan… to an orgasm… while asleep?”

Cassie huffed. “Something like that.”

“My God, even your unconscious sex life is better than mine,” the other woman mumbled.

“You do realize I haven’t had sex in five years, right?” She reminded her friends. Hell, she hadn’t even known Jana the last time she’d had sex.

Jana waved away her comment. “Sex is relative. You’re getting orgasms from Ryan McLeod.”

“Like every other woman he meets. That doesn’t exactly make me special.” And therein lie the real problem. She wanted to be special to Ryan, not just another woman he slept with.

Sophie scoffed. “You’re kidding right? You’re the mother of his child. You can’t possibly think you’re not special to him.”

When Cassie only stared back, Sophie’s eyes grew wide. “You’re serious. You honestly believe Ryan doesn’t think you’re special?”

How did she answer that? Yes, Ryan thought she was special as his friend, as Ellie’s mother, but not as a woman. When she looked at Ryan, she appreciated and loved him as her friend and her partner in raising their daughter, but she also couldn’t ignore that he was a man – a sexy, virile man. A man she wanted. Theonlyman she wanted. She opened her mouth, but unable to find the right words, snapped it closed.

Jana’s lips curved in a small, sympathetic smile. “She does,” she answered Sophie. “Just not the way she wants him to.”