Chapter Eleven

The small bell above the front door jingled, alerting Cassie a customer entered the store. On any other day, she’d greet them with a smile and a simple hello. Not today. Today she couldn’t stop thinking of Ryan and his stupid “let’s sleep together” proposal. And it was stupid. Wasn’t it? Of course. Yes.Maybe. She stifled a groan and tried to concentrate on the display she should’ve finished yesterday.

“Yoo hoo, Cassie, Jana.”


Now Cassie did groan. She loved her friend, but after a night of very little sleep, she just didn’t feel up to the other woman’s energy.

Sophie rounded the corner. “There you are. Did you hear the bell? I’ve never known you to… oh.”

Cassie looked up from Santa’s velvet suit, finally meeting Sophie’s gaze. “What?”

“Are you okay? I saw Mrs. McLeod at drop off. She said Ellie spent the night, but she didn’t tell me you were sick. You should’ve stayed home.”

“I’m not sick,” Cassie waved off her comment. “I’m fine.”

Sophie’s eyes narrowed as she inspected Cassie from head to toe. “Are you sure? You weren’t quite yourself Saturday night either. Maybe you’re coming down with something.” She neared, hand raised to check Cassie’s temperature.

Why did everyone want to check her freaking temperature?

Batting the other woman’s hand away, she replied, “I’m not sick. I just didn’t sleep well.”

“Why not? You had the house to yourself last night, why…” Her eyes grew wide, and a grin split her painted lips. “You had sex.” Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she bobbed forward. “Was it Levi? Ryan?”

“I didn’t have sex. Forget what I said about needing to get laid.” She shook her head at her own foolishness. “I don’t need any more complications in my life.”

Sophie’s shoulder sank with a heavy exhalation. “No. When you have too many complications, you need more orgasms to balance everything out.”

Cassie rolled her eyes. She’d had orgasms. They only added to her problems.

“Ryan found out what I said and why you set me up with Levi.”

Sophie’s mouth fell open in a perfectoh shitface. “Did he do something asinine? After all the women he’s —”

“He didn’t. He just reminded me that a hookup with a random guy isn’t what I’m looking for.” Not that she needed the reminder. She’d never been good at hookups. Sex and emotions were too closely entangled for her to be casual, which is why she couldn’t just sleep with Ryan again. For him, sex would mean nothing, but to her…

Sophie clasped Cassie’s hands. “What did he do?”

She sighed. “Gave me an awesome orgasm in his foyer, then offered to have sex with me.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she wished she could take them back. But truth be told, she’d been dying to say them to someone.

“Ryan gave you an orgasm? Ryan McLeod? Our Ryan?YourRyan?” Sophie spoke slowly as if trying to pull the truth from a small child.

Or from an idiot.

Cassie nodded.

“Awake this time?”

Another nod.

“Oh my God,” Sophie whispered. Then louder, “Oh my God.” Before finally squealing, “Oh my God.”

“Sophie, please.” Cassie’s gaze swept the bookstore. Luckily no customers had arrived.

“What’s wrong?” Jana bound into the room, searching for the emergency. Her wild gaze landed on Sophie’s Cheshire cat grin. “What?”

“Cassie had sex with Ryan.”