He didn’t want to look away, but he had to hear her voice. “You’re trying to kill me, right?”

Cassie was flirting. Until a few weeks ago, he could only remember maybe one time since they’d slept together when she’d flirted with him. Even then, she’d never sent pictures.

She giggled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Oh, she could play coy, but he bet those sweet little panties were damp.

“Have you thought about what we talked about this afternoon?” he ventured.

She didn’t respond right away. He held his breath, afraid of her answer.

“Cassie,” he nudged.

Her sigh filtered through the line. His stomach dropped. A woman sighing when you asked her to sleep with you wasn’t a good sign.

“I promise I can last longer than I did this afternoon —”

Her laugh cut him off.


“Ryan, I don’t doubt you’re good in bed. I’ve had sex with you. Besides, how could anyone who practices as much as you, not be good at it?” A hint of bitterness seeped into those last words.

“Cassie, I —”

“Just let me think. It’s not that I don’t want you. It’s…”

“What? Whatever the problem is, I’ll fix it. I’ll —”

“It’s not your problem. It’s mine. Let me figure it out.”

He wanted to argue. Once upon a time, before they’d had sex and created a life, Cassie would’ve shared her problems with him. Not anymore. Ever since he’d flown back from Costa Rica and she told him about her pregnancy, a small, icy wall had risen between them.

Although she couldn’t see him, he nodded. “Whatever you decide Cassie, nothing will change between us. This won’t affect Ellie.”

Because, of course, that worried her. Every action Cassie took affected their daughter. A good mother knew that, worried about that. And Cassie was so much more than just a good mother. Ellie had no idea how lucky she was.

“I know you believe that, but …”

But? But what?

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” she told him instead of continuing.

“Cassie, wait.”

“Good night, Ryan.” The line went dead. He sat for a moment still gripping the phone. What the hell had he been thinking? He shouldn’t have touched her today. What if she truly didn’t want to sleep with him? He might be cocky, but not so much that he assumed every woman wanted him. Maybe Cassie only hesitated to spare his feelings. Maybe the night on her couch had been a fluke, and she really hadn’t wanted to act on it.


Had he forced her this afternoon? She hadn’t said no, hadn’t pushed him away. He’d assumed she’d tell him if she didn’t want him. But could he have been wrong?

No. Cassie wanted him. She couldn’t fake her reaction to him. Both years ago and now, she detonated at his touch. Maybe she just didn’twantto want him.

Glancing at the phone in his hand, he considered calling and telling her to forget the whole thing. But what if she did say yes?


Tonight he’d give her time to think, consider. Whatever. Tomorrow, if she hadn’t come to a decision, he’d go to her and give her an out. God, he hoped he didn’t have to.