“Ryan, really you don’t have to—”

“Do you have plans for Ellie this afternoon?”

Her eyes narrowed, but she shook her head. “We might go by the bookstore to finish some decorations for the Christmas party, but nothing concrete.”

Perfect. He gave her a nod. “Mind if I take her to do some Christmas shopping?”

Cassie blinked. Maybe she’d expected him to mention the scene from her bedroom, but even he wasn’t daring enough to bridge that subject right now.

“Um … No… You can do whatever you want.”

His body tensed at the innocent, but oh so tempting, words. What he wouldn’t give to truly do what he wanted.

Cassie’s cheeks flushed red. “With Ellie, I mean. Shopping or… or whatever.” She hurried to the microwave to retrieve her waffles.

He couldn’t resist. “I thought you’d appreciate some alone time.”

If her cheeks were red before, they flamed absolutely scarlet now. Managing to suppress the chuckle fighting to burst free, he raised a brow and waited for her to recover.

“I don’t… I’m just going… I’m not planning…” Finally, defeated, she blew out a loud breath. “I’ll pick Ellie up at your house when I leave the bookstore.”

Without dropping his gaze, he took a long sip of coffee. A flustered Cassie had always been one of his favorite sights.

“What?” She huffed.

He shrugged. ““I’ll see you at my house later then.” He dumped the rest of his coffee in the sink, then rinsed his mug and placed it in the dishwasher. “Ellie? Ready?”

“Wait.” Cassie dropped the plate of waffles and headed for her purse. “I’m going to go now too. I need to…”

He waited for her to finish, but she only hurried for the door. She probably wanted to make sure he believed she wouldn’t be at home pleasuring herself.

“I slaved over those waffles,” he reminded her.

Cassie spared him a glance over her shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll survive.”

A smile curved his lips as he exited the kitchen behind her, enjoying the sway of her hips. He’d survive all right. He had too many plans to look forward to.

Chapter Nine

Cassie knocked on Ryan’s door and waited. Normally, Ellie would’ve already spotted her and swung open the door. Today, nothing. Shivering against the cold, she knocked again. The door swung open and her breath caught. In the doorway, Ryan stood wearing only low-slung jeans, the band of his boxer briefs visible just beneath his belly button. She tried not to stare, but his abs were sculpted for women to ogle, and despite being a mom, she was still one hundred percent woman.

“You’re early.”

“Hmm?” Swallowing, she forced her gaze up, but not before cataloging each inch of his chiseled chest and flat, lickable nipples. She pulled her lip between her teeth. Just the thought of licking Ryan made her own nipples hard.

He smirked. “I said, you’re early.”

She nodded. This time her gaze reached his face. His brown eyes burned into hers.

“I’m sorry.” Under his perusal, she fidgeted, sliding the zipper of her hoodie up and down. “I finished at work, then went for a run.” She waved her hand in the direction of the nearby park where she ran. “If you and Ellie are busy, I can come back.”

He leaned against the door frame. “She’s at my mom’s.”

For the first time, she noticed his bare feet and damp hair. Jealousy twisted in her gut. If Ryan had pawned their daughter off on his mom, so he could roll around with some slut. “Why is she at your mom’s?”

“I have plans.” He shrugged and those sexy shoulders of his rose and fell with the movement.

The space between her thighs grew warm even as her veins burned with anger. “You couldn’t have waited until I picked her up? You couldn’t have –”