A bark of laughter escaped Jana before she coughed it back. Things made so much more sense now. He hadn’t understood Cassie’s unease, but if she hadn’t wanted to participate in the first place…

“Anything good?” Jana wagged her brows.

“I got some crotchless panties and a matching bra,” Ryan offered.

“Daddy.” Ellie giggled. “You can’t wear a bra and panties.”

Oops. He forgot little ears lurked nearby.

“Now, now Ellie.” Cassie teased. “We don’t judge. If your daddy wants to wear pretty panties, we’ll still love him.”

And they would. But he had no desire to be the one donning the sexy lingerie.

“Well Cassie got —”

Cassie lurched forward, slapping a hand over his mouth. “Don’t you dare.”

Unable to resist further riling her, he stuck out his tongue and licked her palm. She jerked away as if electrocuted.

“Oh my God, Ryan,” she screeched, wiping her palm on her jeans. “You licked me.”

“Oh Daddy. We don’t lick people,” Ellie chastised. “That’s not how we make friends.”

Maybe licking wasn’t how he wanted his daughter to make friends, but he’d be willing to bet with a few licks he could make Cassie his best-friend forever. Not tasting her was yet another regret from their one night. As his gaze met Cassie’s, her eyes glowed with laughter and maybe a hint of lust, or curiosity. Something different.

He forced his face into a mask of seriousness. “I’m sorry.” He went to Ellie lifting her into his arms and starting towards the stairs. “I won’t lick your mommy again.”

When he stood only inches from Cassie, he met her gaze again. “Unless she asks me nicely.”

Cassie’s mouth fell open, causing a hum of satisfaction to buzz in his veins. With a smirk he continued for the stairs. “I’m going to put the monkey to bed.”

* * *

Cassie stared after Ryan. Warmth seeped through her veins.

“Oh my God. I thought I was immune.”

Oh God.Jana.Her friend, her employee, had witnessed the entire exchange. Her cheeks flashed with a different heat. “T… to what?”

“To Ryan McLeod. All these years with him coming into the bookstore and me babysitting. I thought I was immune. Turns out I’m not.”

Cassie shook her head, trying to make sense of the younger woman’s words and her own uncomfortable awareness of Ryan. Her palm still tingled from the swipe of his tongue. “I don’t understand what you’re —”

Jana gasped. “That smile. Don’t tell me you don’t feel that smile.” She fanned her face. “His flirting wasn’t even aimed at me, and I’m blushing. How do you deal with that all the time?”

Easy answer. “He doesn’t flirt with me.”

Jana cocked her head, then gave it a little shake of denial. “What do you mean? I just saw him flirt with you. He wants tolickyou.”

Just the thought set Cassie’s skin tingling. “Yeah, but…”

“I know you haven’t really been out in a while, but that was definitely flirting.”

Cassie scrubbed her hands over her face. She hadn’t drunk much at the party, but her brain felt fuzzy. “I know that was flirting, but he doesn’t usually do that. Usually he treats me like a kid sister or a client or something.” Though to be honest, he probably flirted… or more, with his clients.

“Wait. Has he never been flirty with you? He flirts with everyone.”

He really did. Flirting came as easily to Ryan as breathing. As far back as Cassie could remember, her best-friend had been charming everyone. A smile for their kindergarten teacher for an extra snack. A compliment for the bus driver so he could sit where he wanted. Even Cassie’s own mother, who never had a kind word for anyone, got flustered in Ryan’s presence.