Forcing out a slow breath, she met his warm eyes. If she didn’t know better, she might believe he felt more for her than friendship or co-parenting. In the far corner of her mind, she might even convince herself he still wanted her, but she knew better.

“The babysitter’s prepared to spend the night,” she replied. “You don’t have to worry about anything. Enjoy your night.”

Not waiting on a response from Ryan, she shouldered past him, leaving him and Levi glaring at each other as she went in search of Sophie.

* * *

If not for Cassie constantly snagging his attention, Ryan might have enjoyed his night. A few guys from the gym he and Ravi used were there with their wives or girlfriends, and Brooke turned out to be a lot of fun. She worked at the law firm with Sophie, and although not a lawyer, seemed intelligent and knowledgeable about all the cases and the work that went into them. If Cassie wasn’t hanging out with Ass Hat Livingston just beyond Ryan’s periphery, he could give Brooke his full attention and maybe see about getting an actual date out of this night.

Someone laughed, dragging Ryan’s attention from his conversation with Brooke to the corner of the room where Ravi doubled over clutching his stomach. Cassie must’ve caused the hilarity because she took a sip from her martini and gave a satisfied shrug. When she pulled the glass from her mouth, liquid dripped over her lip. Unconsciously, she swiped her tongue over the stray alcohol. Ryan’s dick twitched as if she’d used her mouth on him instead.

Fuck. The woman didn’t even try to be sexy and she still drove him fucking crazy. Of course, she’d always had that effect on him. For years, he wrongly assumed he only wanted her as badly as he did because she wouldn’t give in to him. As a boy, and then a man accustomed to getting whatever he wanted, Cassie always presented a challenge. True, when he’d first become interested in her, he’d pursued her lazily. Part of him hadn’t thought he needed to expend the effort when she’d surely give in to him. But another part of him had been afraid of having her and ruining their friendship in the process. Turned out he hadn’t had to worry about the former, Cassie surprised him by turning him down again and again, year after year. The night she finally gave in to him, he wasn’t sure which of them was more surprised, but he sure as hell hadn’t questioned her capitulation. He’d taken her, certain that once she’d given in, and the challenge had been accomplished, he’d no longer crave her.Wrong. That small taste of her had only ignited a need for her that caused him to judge every woman by her standard and find them all lacking. Even tonight, with Brooke giving offtake me homevibes, his attention strayed to the only single woman in the room certain to turn him down.

“Okay. Okay,” Sophie called, clinking a fork against her wine glass. For the most part, the chatter died. “It’s time for the sexy gift exchange. If you’re participating, move into the den, so we can get the fun started.” With a wink, she trotted off to the other room, a small crowd following in her wake.

“Did you bring anything?” Brooke motioned toward the Christmas tree decorated with sex toys and lingerie.

Ryan nodded, and, not for the first time, wondered how he’d let Sophie convince him to participate yet again. Actually, he didn’t need to wonder. Other than never knowing what to contribute or what to do with his acquisition, the exchange always promised a good time.

“Cassie,” Sophie called when they’d settled into the cozy den to begin.

Ryan scanned the room. The woman who’d occupied most of his attention tonight hadn’t followed the crowd.

“Cassie,” Sophie bellowed again.

Cassie appeared in the doorway, irritation etched on her flushed cheeks. Levi, equally unhappy, stood behind her. Involuntarily, Ryan’s fists clenched. Why the hell had Cassie hung out with Ass Hat all night? She couldn’t be considering getting back with the bastard. Could she? He’d upset her and made her doubt herself. DoubtRyan. Maybe she could look past that, but he sure as hell wouldn’t.

Cassie’s gaze darted around the room. “What?”

“The gift exchange is starting.” Sophie traipsed over and slid her arm through Cassie’s. “You can’t miss —”

“I didn’t —”

Sophie bent, whispering into Cassie’s ear. Cassie’s blue eyes widened and a red blush worked up her neck to her cheeks. Ryan wondered if that blush covered her entire chest the way it had the night he’d taken her in her parents’ boathouse.

Cassie shook her head, whispering something to Sophie. The flamboyant woman waved off Cassie’s protest and drug her into the circle formed around a pile of wrapped gifts of various shapes and sizes.

“Everyone ready?” Sophie slurred with a bright grin. “Let the real fun begin.”

Beside their friend, Cassie barely suppressed an eye roll.

Fun indeed.

* * *

Sophie had to die. No other alternative existed. Best-friend or not, Cassie had to kill her. Then she could maybe forgive the other woman for forcing her to participate in this ridiculous gift exchange. Despite herself, Cassie did find herself laughing as Ravi unwrapped a penis pump and Ryan lifted a pair of crotchless panties and matching bra from a gift bag. With his usual lack of self-consciousness, Ryan held the panties up to the crotch of his well-fitted jeans and asked if they made his ass look big. No, but they did draw the attention of every woman in the room to his very impressive package. Cassie shook away the thought of Ryan in some skimpy Speedo style briefs, his sculpted body on display. Blaming it on the crowded room, she fanned herself and turned her attention back to the game. So far, most gifts had been about what she would’ve expected: a few vibrators, some lingerie, tubes of lube and boxes of condoms. All harmless, but still so far beyond commonplace for her, and certainly nothing she’d ever share in a crowd.

When Sophie called the next number, Cassie realized her time had arrived. She perused the already open gifts for something harmless to steal instead of venturing into the unknown.

Ravi hid his penis pump behind his back. “I need this more than you do,” he joked.

No kidding.She hadn’t evenseena penis in five years. Unless the pump could make one, the contraption was useless to her.

Heat washed over her as she moved into the circle to choose an unwrapped gift. A small envelope caught her attention.Perfect. Something so small didn’t have room to hold the scandalous and embarrassing gifts others had already opened.

“Umm… Cassie,” Sophie tried to get her attention.

Ravi hushed his wife. “You can’t interfere, woman,” he joked.