Cassie barely stifled her groan as she turned and spotted Levi strutting through the crowded room toward her. Normally, she’d be excited to see a handsome man focused on her. Not tonight. Her date with Levi had only reinforced why she’d rather focus on Ellie than men in the first place—not to mention, the disastrous events with Ryan that followed the date. She’d decided to also blame Levi for her dry-humping Ryan like a stray in heat. At the thought of what had transpired between her and Ellie’s father, heat washed over her. Shifting uncomfortably, she tried to find somewhere to disappear and avoid talking with her former fiancé. Unfortunately, all around her people were already engrossed in conversation, laughing and flirting. And Ravi had disappeared with her coat.

“Cassie, I’m so glad to see you again.” Levi sidled closer, blocking her view of the party.

Her natural inclination to please people urged her to smile and be polite, but after the things he’d said, she couldn’t muster the energy. She’d played nice at dinner. She didn’t owe him any more of her time.

“I’m sorry our date ended the way it did.” He lifted a hand as if to touch her.

She slipped out of his reach. “The meal was decent.” The company had been less than desirable though. “I don’t know that I’d consider it a date.”

The corner of Levi’s mouth turned up in what she’d once considered a sexy smile. “It didn’t end the way I’d hoped either. I thought maybe tonight we could —”

Cassie laughed. She tried to contain it, but the laughter spilled out. He couldn’t be serious, could he? As she looked at him through eyes squinted from laughter, she realized he was serious. “You thought after I cut our dinner short and paid for my own meal that I would want to see you again? You called my daughter a mistake. You —”

“I didn’t say that.” At least he had the good sense to look appalled by her declaration. “I could never think that about any child, especially yours. I’m sorry if what I said implied I felt that way.”

Closing her eyes, Cassie gave her head a shake to clear her thoughts. When she opened her eyes, her gaze landed on Ryan. He stood across the room with a tall blonde who drank Ryan in, hanging on his every word. For his part, Ryan grinned down at her, his brown eyes intent and his dimples winking. Even though he didn’t direct any of his attention at her, Cassie’s stupid heart did a flip in her chest. God, she was an idiot for pining away for Ryan all these years. He’d proven he didn’t want her when he’d flown off to Costa Rica and the beds of supermodels right after sleeping with her. Over the past five years, he’d continued to prove it by banging anything with legs. Her eyes grew warm, tears threatened. Perhaps Sophie had a point. Cassie did know Levi, and she knew he couldn’t care enough about him for him to hurt her again. And sex with him had always been . . . fine. Maybe one night wouldn’t be so bad.

“Do you need a refill?” She glanced at his nearly empty glass. “I could use a drink.”

Blinking at her change of subject, Levi threw back his drink, draining the glass. “What can I get you?”

No doubt, he assumed he could ply her with drinks and talk her into going home with him.Not likely. But she could use the company in this blizzard of partygoers.

“Why don’t we both go over? Sophie always has interesting drinks at these parties. Maybe I’ll find something new.” Without waiting for a reply, she cut through the crowd, traversing the maze of people to reach the bar.

It surprised her every year how many people Sophie and Ravi managed to invite to this party. How did they even know so many people? And why would they want them in their home?

Her gaze again shifted to Ryan. A smirk graced his full mouth. That damn half smile should be outlawed. No woman’s self-preservation could stand up to it. Before the night ended, he’d sleep with Miss Shiny Dress. Ryan thrived on parties like this, feeding from the crowd’s energy. Sophie did too. Her two friends were alike in that way. Not Cassie. Her skin pricked with unease and her stomach fluttered with nerves. Glancing at her watch, she realized she’d only been here fifteen minutes. Sophie would expect her to stay much longer.

She reached the bar and had just ordered the cute drink with the chocolate dipped candy cane when a large body pressed against her side.


Lifting her head, her greeting was shanghaied by the sexy smirk he shot her.

“You made it.”

Somehow, she managed to nod.

“Did you drive?” He leaned against the bar while the bartender prepared her drink.

“Get your own date, McLeod,” Levi broke in, finally catching up to her.

One of Ryan’s dark brows rose in question. A protest bubbled inside her before she remembered she didn’t owe him an explanation. If she wanted to reconnect with Levi, which she didn’t really, she certainly could. Ryan didn’t get a say-so in her love life. He sure as hell never asked for her opinion on his.

“Just looking out for a friend,” he told Levi without releasing Cassie’s gaze.

Right.A friend. All she’d ever be to him. Well, that and the woman he could count on to keep his mini-me alive while he enjoyed time with gorgeous blondes in shiny red dresses. Clenching her teeth, she turned away accepting the prepared drink.

“Thank you.” As she dropped a bill in the tip jar, she offered a polite smile. Turning to Ryan, she kept the hospitable expression in place. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Ryan straightened from the bar, further blocking her path.

Releasing an aggravated breath, she forced herself to ignore the warmth his proximity caused to spread through her body. “What’s your problem?” she bit out, hopefully low enough that only he could hear.

“How are you getting home? I assume if you’re drinking you have a plan.”

Irritation washed over her. Why did she have to have a plan? Did Ryan have a plan?Probably not.If he wanted, he could stay out all damn night. He had no responsibilities waiting at home. Cassie got to take care of that.