* * *

Sweat dripped into Ryan’s eye and slid down his back. Unfortunately, it didn’t wash away his frustration. He concentrated on the speed bag as if its back and forth motion would somehow unlock his jumbled thoughts.

“I take it Cassie’s date went well last night.”

Ryan spun to face Ravi. “What the hell are you talking about?” With the back of his arm, he swiped at the sweat coating his forehead.

Ravi inclined his head to the heavy bag swinging on its chain. “Why else would you beat the hell out of that bag? She slept with Levi?”

Even knowing she hadn’t, the words made Ryan’s stomach churn. “No. She said he was an ass.”

A laugh escaped Ravi. Despite his pissy mood, Ryan couldn’t help but join him.

Sobering, Ravi asked, “So what are you mad about? She doesn’t want Levi. You still have a chance.”

The scowl returned to Ryan’s face. Ravi was wrong. He didn’t have a chance. According to her, when she woke up on top of him, she didn’t want Ryan either.

“Cassie and I aren’t going to happen. Drop it.”

Ravi’s eyes widened at the bite in Ryan’s voice. He held his hands up in mock surrender. “My bad. I mean I know she’s not your usual type but —”

“What does that mean?” He loved Ravi, but if he implied that Cassie was somehow lacking …

Ravi shrugged. “You tend to go for the supermodel type. Literally. Cassie’s much more subtle. Personally, I think that counts in her favor.”

So did Ryan. Cassie’s sexuality was sneakier, more subdued and all the more potent for its subtlety.

“She doesn’t want me.” As soon as the murmured words left his mouth, Ryan wanted to take them back.

Ravi blinked. “Did you say Cassie doesn’t want you?”

Ryan glared at his friend, willing him to drop the subject.

No luck.

“You seem much surer about her preferences than you were yesterday. What happened?”

“I didn’t say anything about her preferences yesterday.” Yesterday he’d thought maybe she could want him. Today…

“Maybe not, but the look on your face said you might give it a shot. What happened?”

“Noth —”

“Cut the bullshit. Did you do something stupid?”

No. Stupid described simple mistakes made by boys who didn’t know better. What Ryan had done - taking advantage of the most important woman in his life while she was upset and unconscious - was reprehensible.

“Ryan,” Ravi urged.

Heaving a sigh, Ryan scrubbed a hand over his head. “We hooked up.”

He expected Ravi to yell or whoop or clap, hell even hit him. Instead… crickets. Looking at his friend, he had to stifle his laughter. Ravi’s brown eyes were opened wide. His mouth formed a perfect o.

“You okay?” Ryan asked.

Slowly, Ravi managed to lift his jaw and nod. “I just… You and Cassie? You hooked up? What does that mean? Did you have sex? Did you —”

“We kissed and… stuff.”