“Oh. Come. On.” Sophie dropped back onto the stool. “Did you see that vee?” She placed her hands on each side of her pelvis, mimicking the perfect outline of Ryan’s abdominal muscles.

Yeah, she’d noticed. Every time they went on what should be an innocent family vacation, those annoyingly sexy ligaments came out to play. As if Ryan wasn’t hot enough, his body had decided to point out his sexiest parts. You know, just in case she might miss something. Resisting the urge to just give up and drop her head onto the desk, Cassie lifted a shoulder. “Ryan’s always been hot. Nothing’s changed.”

Sophie’s eyes narrowed, studying her. “Have you ever been tempted to just screw him again?”

Cassie struggled to keep her face blank, but heat rose into her cheeks anyway.

A grin stretched Sophie’s shiny lips. “You have. Maybe if the two of you—”

“No.” Cassie pushed away from the counter. “That’s a terrible idea. I just told you last night was a disaster.

“No, you told me Levi acted like an ass. That has nothing to do with Ryan . . .” Sophie focused on her face.

Cassie squirmed under her friend’s scrutiny. If she didn’t meet Sophie’s gaze, she’d know Cassie was hiding something. If she did meet her gaze, Sophie would pull the whole story out of her.

“Spill it,” Sophie demanded.

“S…spill what?”

Sophie graced her with an eye roll. “Ryan made last night a disaster, which means I’m not to blame. Tell me.”

Cassie slumped to her stool and dropped her head onto the counter. Unease still swirled in her stomach. Did she have to let Sophie in on her embarrassment too?Yes.She needed someone to help her make sense of this. Sighing, she launched into her story, not taking a breath until she described listening to Ryan’s truck drive away.

Blinking, Sophie gave her head a hard shake. “Oh my God.” Her mouth moved as if to say something else, but after another shake she repeated, “Oh my God.”

Cassie sighed. “Yeah.”

Sophie opened her mouth, probably for anotherOh my God, then slammed it shut without speaking.

Cassie lifted a hand. “Go ahead.”

“He really said it was like a wet dream with help? I mean, those words actually left Ryan McLeod’s mouth?” She spoke slowly, whether hoping that would somehow make the words untrue or give Cassie time to rethink, Cassie didn’t know.

Cassie cringed. “And he claimed it was no—”

“Big deal.” Sophie nodded. “I heard that, but . . .” She chewed her bottom lip, something she only ever did when nervous.

Cassie’s stomach lit with her own nerves. “But? But what?”

“I don’t believe that.” She lifted a slender shoulder.

So? It didn’t matter what Sophie believed. Her beliefs didn’t change Ryan’s words. Their hookup was no big deal. To him, Cassie was as interchangeable as the next woman. That might be okay with the supermodels who sashayed in and out of his life, but casual sex with Ryan would never be enough for Cassie.

“Maybe this time you should pursue this attraction between you. See where it takes you,” Sophie offered.

“No.” Cassie’s voice left no room for argument. “Ryan can’t do anything but casual. Last time it took him right to someone else’s bed, I don’t need to screw up our arrangement to find that out again. What we have works.”

The bell above the door dinged, cutting off Cassie’s reply.Thank God. She had no idea how to answer her friend. On one hand, the arrangement she and Ryan haddidwork. They got along well and agreed on Ellie’s needs. But, on the other hand, she missed the easy friendship they used to have. And she was lonely. Not just for Ryan’s friendship, but for someone who saw her as a woman and not just as his daughter’s mother.

Plastering on a bright smile, Cassie greeted the pair of women who strolled in.

Sophie slipped off the stool, gathering her purse. “I need to head out. I’ll—”

“You don’t have to go,” Cassie offered out of politeness. In truth, she was tired of the conversation.

Sophie waved off her words. “I need to get home. You’re still coming to the Christmas party next weekend, right?” A small smile tilted her mouth.

“Of course.” Sophie and Ravi were two of Cassie’s closest friends—she’d be at their party. Even if a crowded party with both Ryan and Levi was the last place she wanted to be.