
Ryan studied the hands of the clock on Cassie’s mantel. Cassie’s date with Levi must be going well. Right? Bad dates didn’t last until 9:45. Bad dates ended early without kissing or sex. Ryan gritted his teeth. Just the thought of them kissing made his stomach knot. If he imagined them actually having sex, he’d probably vomit. But that’s why Cassie wanted this date, wasn’t it? She wanted to get laid. His jaw ached, reminding him to unclench.

He should text her, ask her when she planned to be home . . . make sure she was okay. She’d driven. Maybe she’d had a few drinks and was waiting until her buzz wore off. Offering her a ride home would just be being a good friend, not cock-blocking. As he reached for his phone, he heard a car door slam in the driveway.


Would she be home at 9:47 if she’d had sex with Levi? Personally, if he ever got her in his bed, Ryan couldn’t imagine letting her out before sunrise, let alone ten o’clock. The door opened and closed, but he didn’t hear movement. Holding his breath, he listened for her. The soft tick tock of the clock on the mantel was the only sound until the unmistakable scrape of a zipper sliding down split the air in two. Ryan leapt from the couch and hurried to the foyer. When he slid to a stop in the doorway, he found Cassie on one knee on the hardwoods, unzipping her knee-high boot. She tilted her head, looking up at him from under her heavy lids. Mere inches separated her face from his crotch. He swallowed, trying to think of ice baths and piles of snakes, anything but Cassie kneeling before him.

“Hey.” Her lips stretched into a smile.

Instead of her innocent smile, he imagined her lips stretched over the now throbbing member in his pants.

“Hey,” he choked out.

When first seeing Cassie, he always needed a minute to take her in. He’d told the truth in his confession to Ravi. Cassie was sexy, but she was more than just hot. She was also beautiful and sometimes, like right now, she took his fucking breath away. Her dark hair fell in waves over her shoulders, framing her round face and making her blue eyes stand out. What would it be like to fist his hand in all that silky ink and direct her head and mouth wherever he wanted?

He swallowed back his lust. “Did you have a good night?”

She shrugged, switching knees and turning her attention to the other boot. “Not really.”

“Levi still sucks?” He leaned against the door jamb.

Closing her eyes, she gave a little shake of her head, before blowing out a breath. A breath he swore he could feel right across his groin.Fuck!

“Ravi?” She looked up, meeting his eyes with her own.

He nodded. “You could’ve just told me. I still would’ve stayed with Ellie.”

It wasn’t like he had a say-so in her seeing Levi or any other men, not like he could if she really belonged to him.

“I didn’t knowhewas my date. Sophie’s apparently finally lost her mind.”

Relief loosened the tension in Ryan’s shoulders.

She stood and unzipped her jacket. “I guess Ellie’s asleep.”

He looked at his watch as if he didn’t know the time. “Yeah, she crashed about forty-five minutes ago.”

Cassie’s shoulders slumped, and she made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a groan. “I should’ve called. I’ve been sitting at Java Jay’s for the past hour and a half, trying to give the two of you time together.”

Relief swelled in Ryan’s chest. If she’d been at Java Jay’s, she hadn’t been in bed with Levi. He motioned for her to turn, so he could help her with her coat. “Why?”

“Ellie was so excited about pizza and a makeover.” She lifted her head and looked him over.

He held up his hand, wiggling his red nails. Cassie’s mouth split into a wide grin, laughter spilling out, causing his heart to speed up and pound against his chest, threatening to break free. If she were his, this would be where he’d bend, kiss her neck and breathe in the soft, feminine scent of her. But instead of bending and pressing his lips to her flesh, he pulled off her coat and hung it on the hook as she unwound her scarf.

Cassie shuffled past him on her way to the couch. “I didn’t want to get in your way.”

He followed after her, taking in her maroon dress, cut in the style of a man’s shirt, with buttons holding the two sides together. What he wouldn’t give to slip his hands into one of the openings and rip the whole thing off of her.

Whoa boy.His thoughts had been going crazy all day. It was as if when Ravi told him Cassie planned to go out with Levi to get laid, a possessive beast had been unleashed inside him. In truth, he’d never worried about Cassie finding someone else to love and shutting him out of her life.Until now.

“Get in our way? You could never be in our way. Everything’s more fun with you.”

Dropping onto the couch, she stared up at him as if she didn’t believe him. Although he was tempted to look away, he held her gaze and let her study him.

“Still, you don’t get much one-on-one time, not the way she and I do. She looks forward to it.” Sighing, she lifted a hand and rubbed at the back of her neck.