Chapter One

Cassie sipped from her glass of champagne and surveyed the crowded room. Every December twenty-third in her memory, her parents had packed their lakeside home with as many townspeople as possible for their annual holiday party. As a child, Cassie would stay upstairs with a babysitter listening to the festivities below until her mother called for her. Once downstairs, her mother would parade Cassie and her older brother through the crowd in matching holiday attire, then ship them off to bed.

As Cassie stood in the great room all these years later, alone among people who assumed they knew her so well, she realized things hadn’t changed all that much. Well, except this year, her parents had opted to keep the overhead lights low and to decorate the room with candles and white Christmas lights. The lighting and the fire burning low in the large stone fireplace gave the room a warm and slightly romantic vibe. The atmosphere reminded her of old gothic novels and made her wonder what really went on between the men and women living in those dark castles.

Probably the same thing that had been going on between her fiancé and his law partner when she walked into his apartment two weeks ago. At the thought of Levi’s betrayal, Cassie’s hand tightened on her champagne flute. For almost ten years she’d stood by the jackass, waiting for him to finish his undergrad and law degrees. Foolishly, she’d believed he loved her and only put off the wedding because he wanted to make certain he could support her and their future family.Wrong.He’d wanted her steady presence while he pursued other outlets. Well, he wasn’t the only one who could enjoy himself.

Sighing, she took another sip of her champagne. Who was she kidding? She didn’t have wild, unattached sex. Levi was the only man she’d ever slept with. And where had that gotten her? Here she was two days before Christmas at her parents’ annual Christmas party.Alone. Not only alone, but alone and answering questions about Levi’s absence.

Footsteps approached from behind. The hairs on her nape rose to attention. Probably someone else asking why her bastard of an ex wasn’t by her side. She took a fortifying breath, bracing herself for the question.

“Is it hot in here or is it just you in that dress?”


Relief washed over her. She didn’t have to turn to know her oldest friend stood behind her. She’d know that low, rumbling voice anywhere. Through the years, she’d listened as it changed from high-pitched boy to squeaky adolescent to irresistible man. As he brushed against her on his way around her, she inhaled slightly. His warm, masculine scent went to her head as fast as the glass of bubbly.

“I’ve attended this party the past twenty years, and I don’t think I’ve ever—” His words screeched to a halt as he stepped around and came face-to-face with her. “Cassie?”

Her heart pounded in her chest. “Who were you expecting?”

Ryan blinked, then leaned around, taking in her backside once more. “I don’t know. Not you.” His whiskey-colored eyes raked over her form-hugging dress.

She shouldn’t have let her roommate pick out the barely-there garment. With shaking hands, she tugged the short dress to cover more of her thighs and forced a smile. “Well, I—”

“I knew you were hiding a banging body under all those cardigans you wear.” Ryan hadn’t taken his eyes off her.

Heat crept up her neck. No one had ever called her bodybangingbefore. She kind of liked it.

“Levi’s an idiot,” her friend mumbled.

His words washed away all the pleasure from his earlier compliment. Her shoulders slumped. “Can we not talk about him, please?”

Ryan’s lip curled in disgust. “Gladly. He’s not going to be here, is he?”

Cassie fidgeted with the hem of her dress.

“Cass, you did tell him not to show up here, right?” Ryan’s heated gaze now held something more lethal. “I don’t want to have to ruin your parents’ party.”

That pulled a small smile from her. Since childhood, Ryan had slayed her dragons. But she didn’t need him this time. She’d told Levi they were over, and she didn’t want to see him again. Still . . . “I told my parents to uninvite him and his parents, but . . .”

Ryan didn’t bother to tone down his disgusted huff. “Let me guess, your parents didn’t want to be rude or lose face with possible voters.”

When she only offered a small shrug in reply, he threw his hands up. “Unbe-fucking-lievable. Your parents really are a study in the world’s worst caregivers.”

Sighing, she replied, “We can’t all be the beloved only child.”

He stared down at her upturned face. “Only child or not, you and your feelings should be cherished. Always.” He slid a strand of dark hair from her forehead.

No matter how little her parents had ever cared about her feelings, she could always count on Ryan. Thank God his family lived next door. She may not have survived life in her strict, political family without Ryan and his family.

Changing the subject, she told him, “I didn’t expect you to be in town until Christmas day.” His job as a photographer kept him busy in exotic locations with equally exotic women.

He lifted a broad shoulder, one she knew was covered in a tattoo inked in some far off destination. “My mom wanted me to come in early. She thought maybe you could use a friend.”

Tears stabbed at Cassie’s eyes, but her heart swelled in her chest. Yes, her family might not care that her heart had been broken, but Ryan’s would. She shook her head. “You didn’t have to come here for me.”

“Oh Cass, I’dcomefor you anywhere.” He gave her a naughty wink. Leave it to Ryan to turn the conversation to sex before they’d even eaten hors d’oeuvres.