The man behind her shoved her back to the mattress and came over her, bending to sniff at her neck. He jerked one arm behind her back, holding it as she struggled against his hold, before he pulled the other arm back and bound her wrists together. Her T-shirt rode up her back as his calloused hands scratched over the silk of her panties. He grabbed her hips and pulled her against him roughly. Bile rose in her throat when her ass met the hard length of him through his jeans. She clenched her jaw, terror suddenly clawing at her chest. She forgot all the training she’d received at the academy and all the maneuvers she’d practiced with Neil as fear took over. She managed to roll to her side and struck him with her knee, before he slapped her hard across the face, and flipped her back to her stomach, yanking her hips up.

“I bet you like it when Jay puts you on your knees.” The man beside the bed spoke gruffly in her ear as his hands groped her body.

She shivered with disgust. She could take a beating, but she couldn’t let them touch her like this. Behind her the second man lowered his zipper with one hand as he slipped a finger of the other under the waistband of her panties. She kicked out, desperate to do anything to keep them from getting inside her. Her heel connected with bone and she pulled back to kick again. The unmistakable feel of a blade at her throat stopped her.

“Don’t fucking move,” a voice rasped in her ear.

The man behind her dragged her off the bed. She knocked over the bedside table. A lamp crashed to the floor before she landed hard beside it on her bare knees and toppled over. Unable to brace herself, her head bounced off the concrete floor covered in a bare layer of carpet. Pain exploded like a gunshot in her head and for a moment, everything went white.

He yanked her up to her knees as he stepped around her. “Maybe we should give her the message first,” the knife wielder suggested. “Make sure she understands how unimportant she is.”

She could see her second attacker now, the one who’d yanked her hair and squeezed her breast so painfully. The one who’d pressed his erection against her. She fought back the panic and studied his face. She recognized him. He’d been at the club earlier, watching her dance. He leaned down now, his acrid breath on her neck as he sniffed at her like a dog.

Straightening, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a photograph. Even in the dim light, she could make out an image of Finn. Before she could try to turn her head again, the man behind her squeezed her chin and pressed the blade against her until it bit into her skin.

“Open your eyes. Look,” he growled.

One shoved the picture into her face as the other jerked her head back. She opened her eyes and stared at the photograph of Finn and Ronnie. Ronnie bent over the side of a couch with Finn buried inside her. Gretchen closed her eyes against the image as tears formed. A hand slammed into her face again, and her head swung sideways, the blade slicing her neck. She cried out and opened her eyes, staring down her attacker.

“You fucking coward,” she screamed, though every word hurt to utter. “Go ahead and do whatever you’re going to do and leave me the hell alone.”

He sneered and pulled his phone from his pocket.

“I told your little dancer I plan to offer her a position in my new business,”Ronnie’s voice came through the line.

“She’s not mine,”Finn’s voice replied.“Why would you want her anyway?”

Ronnie laughed.

“I figure if that sweet spot between her thighs is enough to have you tied in knots, she could make me a lot of money.”

“You figure wrong.”Finn’s voice mocked.“There’s nothing special about her. She’s a little tart, a nice little treat every now and then. She’s not worth what your men pay.”

“You mean you’re not in love with her, Jay baby?”Ronnie pouted.

Finn laughed now.

“Hell no. Even if I did something as stupid as fall in love, it wouldn’t be with her. She’s nothing.”

The walls of Gretchen’s heart toppled, and she couldn’t hold back the flood of tears that came with their destruction. She clamped her mouth shut. She tried to control the silent sobs that wracked her body.

“Aww. You love him, don’t you?” The voice at her ear mocked, but Gretchen refused to answer. “We’ll make you forget all about him.”

The man in front of her dropped the picture to the ground and pulled the fly of his jeans open. Gretchen struggled against her constraints, desperate to work her hands free. Plastic bit into her wrists and fear bubbled in her chest. The man’s hand disappeared into his boxers and he pulled out his penis. Her chest heaved with tears and terror. He squeezed her jaw, digging his fingers in until she had to grind her teeth together to keep it from popping open. When she couldn’t hold out any longer and her jaw fell open, she screamed with everything inside her. All the fear and desperation, hatred and anger, pouring out of her in a primal roar that could’ve waken the dead.

There was a thud against her front door. “Chris.”

Her heartbeat accelerated, hope fighting for space in her chest. Neil?

She screamed again, over and over until she was sure her cries would bring the walls crumbling around her. She caught a boot to her ribs, knocking the wind out of her and sending her falling to the floor. The last thing she saw before the world went black was the picture of Finn buried inside Ronnie.

~ ~ ~

There wasn’t enough hot water in the world for Gretchen to wash away the feel of her attackers’ hands running over her body and pushing at her underwear. There sure as hell wasn’t enough in this shithole apartment.

“You know taking a shower is the number one thing you’re not supposed to do after an attack, right?” Neil asked from the other side of the shower curtain.

“That’s when you’ve been—” She couldn’t bring herself to say it. The men hadn’t managed to rape her, but they would have if Neil hadn’t heard her screams and came for her.