Gretchen nodded. She’d make herselfworthy. Forget Raymond Carlisle, she’d bring this bitch to her knees.

Ronnie eyed her for another moment before she turned and strutted back out into the club.

Gretchen sat up, her body suddenly tense. She knew what Ronnie wanted and why she’d even consider offering her a job. It had nothing to do with what she thought Gretchen could do and everything to do with Finn. She wanted Gretchen to know she was nothing to him. Well, she didn’t need a damn news bulletin to figure that out.

~ ~ ~

Finn tried to pretend Gretchen wasn’t purposely avoiding him like a fucking plague, but when two hours had passed, and she still hadn’t so much as glanced his way, he could no longer pretend. He stood from the table, determined to talk with her, when Grant appeared at his side.

“Be easy on her.”

Finn turned to him. “Excuse me?”

Although he and Grant had become friendlier over the years, the other man still worked for him, and he didn’t take kindly to being given orders by anyone.

Grant narrowed his eyes. “She’s had a rough day. She came in and laid into me. I think someone followed her home last night.”

He had Finn’s full attention now. “What do you mean youthinksomeone followed her home?”

Fury, an emotion he grew more accustomed to the more he watched Gretchen in this damn club, seeped into his veins, as Grant filled him in on what he’d gathered from Gretchen.

“She thought I sent you to make sure she went home alone.” He scrubbed a hand over his face before scanning the club.

“Listen.” Grant stepped closer, and his voice dropped. “You can’t keep her safe. Your interest in her only makes it more dangerous for her.” He met Finn’s eyes. “Especially since Ronnie’s back.”

He didn’t have to say what they both knew. No one could trust Ronnie, and she’d do anything to get what she wanted. What Grant didn’t leave out was true too. Finn couldn’t protect Gretchen, and he very well may have pointed a target right at her.

“Ronnie followed her backstage earlier,” Grant informed him.

Finn’s head snapped back to him. “What? Why?”

Grant only shrugged and shook his head. “Your guess is as good as mine. Lilah won’t talk to me either.”

Finn searched the crowd for her.

“They’re watching how you play this, Jay.” Grant never stopped scanning the room.

Finn clenched his jaw. “Take her home tonight. Check to see if you’re followed. Then check her apartment, make sure it’s clean and safe.”

“I can do that.” He nodded. “You want me to stay with her?”

If it were anyone else, Finn may have been suspicious of the offer, but he trusted Grant. The man had a wife and little girl at home, and he’d want to get home to them tonight. “No. Get her settled and then head home to your family.”

“Will do.” Grant clasped a large hand on his shoulder then walked away.

Finn pushed out a pent-up breath and found Gretchen on the other side of the club. She sat on a barstool, nursing a drink and watching the dance floor. He strolled to the vacant spot beside her. “You haven’t had much to say tonight.”

“I prefer to wait until I have something worth saying.” She didn’t turn toward him. “So far, I’ve got nothing.”

“You don’t think finding someone outside your bedroom window falls into that category?” He took his drink from the bartender and turned to lean against the bar beside her, following her gaze to the dance floor.


“Don’t get pissed at me and get yourself hurt,” he chastised.

She took a large gulp of her whiskey. “I can handle myself. You can release your bodyguards. It becomes a bit boring to sit in a club and have nothing to do.”

“I’ve told them no one—”