Tomorrow, not tonight. This would be the first night they’d leave the club separately. She nodded.

He ran his hand over the back of his neck. “I’ve got to do some things tonight, or . . .”

She swallowed the hurt and stood from the couch. Of course, he had things to do. “No worries.” She pulled out every skill she’d ever learned about acting while undercover and forced a smile. “Maybe tomorrow.”

She turned away, taking a bra out of her bag to replace the one he’d torn. “He was my partner.”

“What?” His warmth enveloped her when he came to a stop right behind her.

She resisted the instinct to lean into him. “The guy tonight, he’s my partner. He was checking in. We didn’t do anything.”

Finn’s body slackened, and he sighed, pushing out the tension holding his body in leash.

She turned on him. “Tell me, did you feel anything besides pissed off?” She searched his gray eyes for any indication he’d felt even a fraction of the pain she’d felt when she saw him touch Ronnie. He stared blankly back at her. Emotionless, when she desperately needed a sign to show he cared.

“Because for me.” She fought the tears that fought to break free. “It kills me to think of you with someone else, to see them touch you.”

She shook her head and stepped away. He’d only feed her more lies, and she didn’t want to hear them. She slung her bag over her shoulder and hurried from the room, not even hoping he’d follow. He’d disappointed her enough for one night.

When she reached the bar, Amber had already placed a glass on the bar for her. She took it and turned in time to see Finn escort Ronnie from the club.

~ ~ ~

“What’s the story with the dancer?” Ronnie asked Finn as they sat in the back of her town car on the way to her hotel. Despite the power Ronnie appeared to wield in the rest of the world, Carlisle insisted Finn escort her home each night. Carlisle liked to play with people’s lives as much as possible. He’d tried to do it earlier when he’d sent Gretchen to ask Finn what he wanted to drink. Gretchen hadn’t fallen for the bait though. Finn had been the one to forget the rules.

“Not much of a story. I think she’s been there a couple of months,” he finally answered.

“You two seemed friendly.” Ronnie slid across the seat and pressed against his side. She stretched up until her mouth feathered against his ear. “Did you fuck her tonight?”

He shifted away, managing to stifle the anger piqued by her question. “I did not,” he lied smoothly.

“So whatdidyou do?” She took his hand and lifted it to her mouth. Her tongue swiped out and licked at his fingertips. “I can smell her on your fingers, Jay.”

Finn jerked his hand back. “Don’t.”

“I can share.” Leaning back against the seat, Ronnie pursed her lips in an imitation pout. “As long as I get to play too.”

“I’m not yours to share,” he reminded her. “We’ve never been like that.”

Ronnie’s sneer accused him of being a fool if he thought either of them believed what he said.

“I may be around more often now.” She lifted a shoulder absently. “I thought that might change things for us.”

His stomach twisted. “Why would you be around? I thought you liked Miami.”

“I do, but there are certain perks here I enjoy.” She ran a hand over his thigh, between his legs and over his still-sensitive dick.

“Raymond has his own hookers.” He gripped her wrist until her face twisted with pain.

“He does.” Pulling away, she cradled her wrist to her chest. “But I have clients with very distinct and peculiar appetites. Raymond’s girls don’t sate that type of hunger.”

“I suppose I can see how being legal and willing would be a turnoff for some of the men you deal with,” he spat.

Ronnie laughed. “Don’t be so dramatic. It’s not like you haven’t broken the law a time or two.”

Finn nodded. True. He’d broken the law more times than he could count, but he liked to think he’d never caused the innocent to suffer.

“I draw the line at kidnapping and rape.” He hadn’t confirmed Gretchen’s suspicions when she’d asked about Ronnie at his apartment. He didn’t let himself know what Ronnie actually did, because in his gut he knew Gretchen had been right. As Ronnie turned her eyes away from his without comment, he had all the truth he needed.