She gyrated beneath him, urging him to follow suit.

“Jesus,” he groaned and met her thrusts, determined to drive her over the edge of a precipice, harder and harder. Gone was the cool, detached persona of Jay Finley he’d tried to keep when he’d thought she was a faceless dancer. Now, he wanted to pull every bit of pleasure from her. Forcing himself to pull back from the soft, warm mounds of her breasts pressed against his chest, he stood by the side of the bed. Hooking her knees over his forearms, he yanked her to the edge of the mattress and drove into her, directing her passion, right over the edge of release.

“That’s it, baby,” he grunted. “Come, Gretch.”

She threw her head back, exposing the long, sleek column of her throat. He leaned over, unable to resist the urge to lick her there before sinking his teeth in. She cried out and her back arched as she dug her nails into his shoulders. The muscles of her sex took hold of him with unrelenting force, milking him as he held her hips and drove into her before releasing his own pleasure and collapsing on top of her.

~ ~ ~

Finn couldn’t move. He breathed deep and heavy as he tried to gather enough energy to move off the woman beneath him so as not to crush her. God, he’d lost it. His control. His sanity. He’d called this woman Gretchen, had actually convinced himself he was having sex with Gretchen. What the fuck was wrong with him?

The woman sighed and ran her hands up his sides, lightly tickling him with the tips of her fingers, before kissing him. “You taste good.”

Her lips curved against his neck.

Finn lifted his head, rising on his elbows to look down at her. She smiled at him and his stomach knotted.Gretchen.He wasn’t crazy, but he was so screwed. He pushed away, rolling to his back. He couldn’t think straight with her naked and soft under him. As proven by the fact he’d had sex with a woman he’d known more than twenty years and not even realized it. How had that happened? Maybe, because Gretchen Christensen had no reason to be in this hell hole working for Raymond Carlisle. No notjustworking, fucking dancing. On. A. Pole. He squeezed the bridge of his nose and prayed for calm. The mask made so much more sense now, she’d fucked him, without ever intending to reveal her identity.

“You tricked me.” He didn’t look at her. He didn’t want to see her all soft and rumpled and . . . naked.

The mattress dipped as she shifted toward him, but she stopped without touching him. Thank God for small miracles.

“I gave you what you came after,” she replied.

A harsh laugh escaped him, and he turned to her.Damn it. He’d been right to not look at her. Even with the wig and contacts, he could no longer look at her and not see Gretchen. “You kept that fucking mask on so I wouldn’t realize it was you.”

She narrowed her eyes. “And you let me because it made it easier to pretend I was someone else.”

He looked away so she wouldn’t see the confirmation in his eyes.

She scoffed. “You’re pissed because I turned out to be exactly who you wanted me to be. You were thinking about me the whole time. Admit it.”

Before he could confess that he wasalwaysthinking about her, the door burst open. He jumped up, throwing a blanket over Gretchen’s naked body. “What the fuck?”

The man in the door looked from him to Gretchen, his eyes resting on the expanse of exposed leg sticking out from under the comforter.

Finn followed his gaze, clenching his fists when the other man’s eyes darkened. “What do you want?” He stomped, naked, to the couch drawing the intruder’s attention away from Gretchen. The idea of the other man seeing her naked made his stomach twist.

The man inclined his head toward Gretchen. “I heard she was finally taking visitors. I love to try out the new ones.” He licked his lips as he looked back at her.

Anger flooded Finn’s veins and he turned toward the bed. Gretchen had sat up, and she clutched the blanket to her chest, but anyone who’d seen her on stage earlier, wouldn’t have trouble picturing what was underneath. A wave of possessiveness hit him, almost making him miss his next step. He disposed of the condom before pulling on his boxers. “She’s mine. You won’t be trying her.”

“Jay,” Gretchen whined in a flat, empty voice devoid of the slight Southern drawl he’d always loved. “I don’t belong to you. I have a job to do and Mr. Carlisle’s paying me a lot of money to do it.”

He turned on her. “Then I’ll pay you double.” His glare went back to the man in the doorway. “She’s off limits. I’m not done with her, and I don’t share.” When he looked back at Gretchen, she stared at him open-mouthed. “Besides, she’s probably the only one who hasn’t picked up something from you or one of those other assholes.”

Gretchen rose from the bed, the comforter wrapped around her, and marched her way to the corner of the room to retrieve what appeared to be a scrap of cloth but was probably a dress.

“We’re done here,” Finn told the man and waited as he backed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Neither Finn nor Gretchen moved for a moment, before they turned on each other.

“What the hell are you doing?” she snapped, only seconds before he managed to ask her what the fuck she was thinking.

“What amIdoing?” He tried to control his voice as he stalked toward her. “What are you doing, Gretchen? Your dad has more money than God. I’m sure there’s something you could be doing besides turning tricks to pay the bills. Hell, come home with me. I’ll pay you to not be here. How about that?”

~ ~ ~

Finn’s eyes burned wild with fury, holding a hint of disappointment that broke Gretchen’s heart.