“He’s two hours out.” She began to gather her own things and pack her bags for the drive home.

“What? How do you know that?”

Because he just left my hotel room, she thought sadly, but she wouldn’t tell Neil that, because no one could knowherFinn James was Carlisle’s Jay.

“Sources,” she answered instead. “I’m on my way.”

Chapter 3

Gretchen shot a glare at Neil as he tapped his pen against the notebook on his lap. Normally she welcomed her partner’s energy, but this morning she longed for his natural calm. She jerked her head up as their captain burst through the door, his face twisted into what she could only assume was a permanent scowl since she’d never seen him without it.

“Please tell me you know something,” he grumbled as he fell into the chair behind his desk.

Gretchen caught Neil’s eye. Neither of them knew anything more than they’d known a week ago when Neil had called her back from Brock’s wedding. Raymond Carlisle had been set to buy a substantial amount of drugs from one of the suppliers they’d infiltrated, but the buy had been interrupted, the supply confiscated, and men taken to jail. They may have been able to brush it off as some cop’s good luck, but Carlisle’s last two buys had been busted. Someone had a leak.

“Someone in Carlisle’s organization is syphoning information to an agency that isn’t us.” Neil’s voice held a hint of accusation. No doubt to let Gretchen know she should’ve been the one to syphon the information.

“We don’t know that the information came from Carlisle’s,” she defended. “It could’ve just as easily been from the supplier. It’s not like the Murphy’s have their shit perfectly together.”

“Speak for yourself.”

Gretchen turned at the sound of Agent Corey Callahan’s voice.

“Murphy’s group is solid. None of the other buys have been busted. Only the ones to your guy. Keep it up, and we won’t be supplying him anymore.” He fell into his seat.


Corey had seamlessly infiltrated the Murphy’s almost a year ago, and Gretchen was beginning to think he may have forgotten who he actually worked for.

Gretchen raised a brow. “We? Whose side are you own Callahan?”

He met her glare with his own. Yeah, she knew that look. A little longer undercover, and she wouldn’t recognize Corey Callahan at all.

“The leak’s in Carlisle’s organization,” he replied with no real answer. He turned back to their captain. “Carlisle’s put Jay Finley on it. I almost feel sorry for whoever they find.”

Jay Finley. Gretchen sighed. She hadn’t seen Finn since he’d left her hotel room a week ago to handle the problem they now discussed. He’d been sent God only knew where to do the devil only knew what. She hoped he stayed gone, this assignment would be a hell of a lot harder if he ever ended up in town full time.

She raised her gaze to Corey’s who now studied her too closely for her liking. “What?” she snapped.

“Any idea who the snitch is?”

The mischievous twinkle in his eye made her uneasy.

“No. I haven’t even heard mention Carlisle thinks there is one.”

Corey’s hint of mischief turned into full-blown glee. “That’s because he thinks it’s you.”

Whoa. What?

“What do you mean, he thinks it’sme? I haven’t done anything.”

He raised a brow. “Exactly.”

Gretchen shook her head. She hated riddles. What did Corey meanexactly? She’d been working in that damn club for months: dancing, drinking, rubbing elbows . . . She narrowed her eyes to glare at Corey. His smug expression told her she’d reached his intended conclusion. She might rub elbows with patrons, but she didn’t rub any more interesting body parts.

“What am I missing?” Neil asked behind her.

She pulled her gaze away from Corey, but not before his grin disappeared and his green eyes softened with what may have been considered an apology on anyone else.