She ran her hands over his body and giggled. “You appear to be in pristine condition to me, Mr. James, but we could play like you’re old if you want.”

He glanced down in time to catch her wiggle her eyebrows and grinned. She was right, he wasn’t old, but he was six years older than her and a world away. She should be with a boy barely out of college, one with no baggage, no demons. Not a man living a life that should’ve killed him years ago.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Her fingers drew lazy circles over his torso.

“Um hmm.” Her fingers and sweet voice lulled him into a peacefulness he’d never felt before, especially after sex.

“I’ve imagined doing that since I was sixteen.” Her lips curved against his chest.

He laughed but didn’t open his eyes. “Well, I’ll only admit to imagining it since you were eighteen.”

The sound of her giggles followed him into sleep.

~ ~ ~

The mattress dipped, and Finn opened his eyes. Gretchen placed her feet on the floor then sat for a moment, staring out the window, her back expanding with her deep breath. Her blond curls were a riotous halo around her. She slipped into one of his discarded shirts before she stood and tip-toed to the bathroom without looking back.

He rolled over, letting out a pent-up breath as he glared at the ceiling. Already the bed felt cold without her. He should’ve never asked her to stay the night. Only a small number of women had ever been to his apartment, and none of them in his bed. Not that it would have mattered, his bed would’ve never felt empty because one of them left, not the way it did now without Gretchen.

Despite his sudden doubt, he couldn’t help his smile as he thought of her. There’d always been something special about Brock’s youngest sister, some untamed wildness lurking below the surface. But even that couldn’t explain why the hell she was dancing in Carlisle’s club. Gretchen didn’t need money, and with her body and brain, she could afford to be picky about her partners. Something else was at work here, but he’d be damned if he knew what.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and made his way to the bathroom. She hadn’t closed the door completely and through the crack he watched as she stood with her hands braced on the counter, her head hanging between her shoulders. He knocked and pushed the door opened. Her head jerked up.

“Everything okay?” He came to a stop beside her without touching.

She bit the inside of her lip and pulled her gaze up to meet his. His stomach knotted. Had she finally realized what a bad idea the two of them was?

“Yeah.” Her smile wobbled. “I’m great.”

She was a terrible liar. He stepped closer.

She put a hand up between them and pressed against his chest. “There are some things I need to tell you.”

For someone who’d claimed to want him so badly, she seemed to be filled with regrets today. He brushed a hair away from her face. He wouldn’t let her worry about any of that now.

“Later.” He wasn’t ready for the real world to penetrate their bubble. Right now, while he had her to himself, he only wanted one thing. He moved forward until his chest brushed against her breasts and her hips aligned with his, and then he slipped his hands into the wild tangle of curls and held her still while his mouth devoured hers.

Kissing Gretchen was like wrestling a volcano, all hot and molten and fucking destructive. Every thought or plan he’d ever had turned to ash once her mouth touched his. She whimpered, and the soft sound of surrender went straight to his groin. He dropped his hands to her hips and pulled her forward before he lifted her and deposited her on the counter. She squealed, giggling as her bare skin touched the cold granite. He laughed against her mouth and moved down her neck, following the opening of her shirt, loosening the buttons as he worked his way toward her belly button. He pushed the shirt off her shoulders.

“Let’s take a shower,” he suggested.

She pursed her plump lips. “Are you going to go to another room again?”

She’d been offended when he sent her to shower alone the night before, but he’d needed time to get his shit together before he faced her. At the club he’d said things he hadn’t meant, and he still didn’t understand why he’d reacted the way he had. How could he admit to her things he couldn’t even admit to himself?

“Only if you’d prefer the other one.” He lifted her against him so she could wrap her legs around his hips and carried her to the shower. Under the spray of the water, he placed her on her feet and spun her around, pulling her back against his chest. His cock hardened against the seam of her ass as he slid against her, reaching for the soap.

“I can wash myself.” Her protest held little conviction.

He ran his soapy hands over her soft curves. “I’m sure you can do a lot of things yourself, baby.” He took her ear between his sharp teeth. “But doesn’t it feel better when I do it for you?”

Her breath caught as his hand dipped between her thighs, his fingers sliding over the sensitive bud of her clit. She pressed her hips against him in a silent plea, before she reached up and wrapped an arm around his neck. She brought his face to hers so she could twist to kiss him. He swept his tongue into her mouth before he pulled away and bit playfully at her swollen lips.

Her breath quickened as he slid one finger inside her and curved it against the bundle of nerves deep within her.

“Oh God.” Her head fell back against his chest.

“That’s it, baby.” He pressed between her shoulder blades until she bent slightly, bracing her hands on the wall of the shower. He slid his dick between her thighs and nudged her opening.