“I’m not turning tricks,” she told him quietly. “I’m not a hooker.”

He laughed as he looked around the room and back at the rumpled bed. “Newsflash, Gretchen, that’s exactly what you’re doing. I knew you had mommy issues, but I never expected this.”

She looked down, surprised at how much it hurt that he believed her charade. Feeling suddenly exposed, she turned her back to him and slid her clothes on under the blanket.

“You’re the only one.” She faced him again before walking to the mirror to make sure the wig still covered her own hair.

He stalked up behind her. “What are you doing here?”

She watched him in the mirror and her gaze fell to the tattoo on his chest—the compass with no letters for direction. He’d once explained he needed the symbol because he often lost his way, though he’d left off the labels because he didn’t care where he was going. If only she could tell him she felt the same way.

Still avoiding his eyes, she turned toward him, daring to place her hands on his chest before she leaned in and brushed her lips over each point of the tattoo. He inhaled sharply, holding his breath until she pulled away.

“I have a job to do.” She strolled to the bed, straightening the rumpled sheets and replacing the comforter.

“You’re not going back out there.” He stepped in front of the door.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you planning to keep me in here all night alternating between having sex with me and telling me what a whore I am?”

“I didn’t say that.” He started toward her and she took the opportunity to slip around him and make her way to the door. “Gretchen,” he called as she pulled the door open.

“It’s Lilah,Jay.” She stepped into the hall and closed the door firmly behind her. She forced herself to breathe calmly as she dried her sweaty palms over the skirt of her dress.

What the hell had she done? Finn wouldn’t let this go, and dammit, if she were honest with herself, she hoped he wouldn’t lethergo. He would though, and he’d ruin her case, because he’d dig until he uncovered the truth, and then he’d force her out. Maybe he’d never love her like she wanted him to, but he’d always protected her.

She took a deep breath, plastered on a smile and strutted to the bar to slide onto a vacant stool. When Amber motioned toward a shot glass, Gretchen nodded. The other woman pulled it down and filled it with brown liquor. Gretchen offered a wink as she took the glass and sipped.


She turned toward the hallway she’d vacated.

Finn stood in the doorway now fully dressed. His gray eyes were narrowed on her and his nostrils flared in rage. “Come here.”

She looked around the room. Everyone had stopped, watching the exchange closely.

“I believe Jay told you to go to him,” Carlisle spoke up.

“She heard me,” Finn growled.

Gretchen slipped off the stool. Although her instincts urged her to tell him to fuck himself, as Lilah she could never do that. Instead, she stood nervously, pulling her dress down over her thighs.

“I don’t work for you,” she responded in a barely audible voice. “I work for Mr. Carlisle.”

Finn’s eyes flashed dangerously, and Carlisle chuckled behind her.

“She’s been trained well.” There was a shrug in the man’s voice before he turned to her. “Honey, if Jay tells you to do something, you do it. No matter what it is.”

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and her stomach rolled. If he’d been tossing her to anyone other than Finn, she may have lost her nerve.

“Now come here,” Finn ordered her again.

Gretchen cast a wary glance at Carlisle, who nodded, before she crept toward Finn. He looked ready to attack. She’d seen that look before, but his anger had never been aimed at her. As she moved forward, she fought back her tears. Why had Finn had to be here? He was the only person capable of breaking her and ruining everything.

“We’re leaving,” he told her through clenched teeth when she reached him.

“No, I’m not. You think because you fucked me you get to—”

“Yes,” he yelled in her face. “That’s exactly what I think. You want to be a hooker,Lilah?” He spat the name. “I’m going to train you in the art. Let’s go.” He grabbed her arm and began dragging her toward the door.