“She dress up often?” he asked Grant.

The other man sighed dramatically and patted his chest. “Last week she was Wonder Woman. Every pre-pubescent fantasy come to life my man.”

Finn let a chuckle escape and returned his attention to the stage. Although he hadn’t seen Lilah dance before, he’d heard she put on a good show. In the months she’d been at the club, attendance had grown. Still, Carlisle wasn’t satisfied. The girl refused to take her clothes off, and though she’d been propositioned, as far as Finn knew she hadn’t slept with any of the patrons. In other words, she was exactly what she claimed—a dancer. Unfortunately, Carlisle distrusted honesty more than anything else.

Lilah looked out over the crowd, the top portion of her face hidden by the black mask. It was kind of kinky in a fun, almost innocent way. Her lips curved, bringing Finn’s attention to a set of full, plump lips painted a dark, slick color.

Behind Finn’s zipper, his softening dick came back to life. She scanned the room as she waited for the music to change and the lights to shift to her. Her gaze passed over Grant and then Finn, before swinging back and landing on him. He couldn’t tell the color of her eyes from where he stood, but he could see they’d gone wide.

She rubbed her hands over her thighs and turned away.Odd. They’d never met, but she seemed affected by his presence. Did she know he’d been told to look into her, to find out if she was Carlisle’s snitch? If so, she probably wouldn’t know he hadn’t bothered. He already knew who he could blame for the leaked information, but her reaction left him intrigued.

Seconds ticked by as he watched her, before she glanced at him over her shoulder. When she pulled one of those darkly painted lips between her teeth, his stomach twisted and his heart beat slightly faster. Finn didn’t believe in love at first sight, or love in general for that matter. But lust? Yeah, that could be instantaneous. Case in point, the little dancer already had him imagining what she looked like stripped of her mask and lingerie.

The DJ’s song ended and Lilah pulled her gaze away, blinking away the glare of the stage lights that basked her in soft red glow. Music began to pump through the speakers, a low, sultry beat that made Finn think of sex. Probably the point.

Lilah strutted across the stage, before she grabbed the pole and pulled her legs into the air. She spun and then wrapped them around the pole to squeeze it between her thighs. She hung upside down, her breasts dangerously close to bursting out of her black bra top. Finn watched, awaiting the moment all that soft flesh spilled out. But then she was on the ground, her body gyrating, her hips pumping. No doubt the woman would be absolute hell in the sack. Finn watched, enthralled until the last beat of the music died and she lie still except for the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

The audience exploded, whistling and cheering. They wanted more, and damn if Finn didn’t too.

“She have a room?” he asked Grant.

“What?” the bouncer responded.

“Does she have a room?” Finn repeated.

“She has one,” Grant answered slowly. “She doesn’t really use it.”

Finn’s gaze followed the girl as she left the stage. “Send her there. I’ll be waiting.” He turned and started toward the back of the club.

“Jay,” Grant warned.

Finn turned. What was up with his security guard? Grant was married, supposedly happily. He’d never appeared to have an interest in any of the women in the club before, but his reactions where this new girl was concerned were odd, almost possessive.

“Is there something I should know?”

God help Grant if he’d broken his vows for this dancer. No matter what a woman said about not wanting anything serious, that could all change once sex was involved.

Grant shook his head. “She’s a good one, Jay. Still whole.”

Finn saw it then, not lust—protectiveness. Not that that couldn’t change. Finn used to feel protective of Gretchen, before she showed up at his mom’s house and blew all those innocent feelings away with a few kisses and the brush of her body against his.

And now the semi-erection he’d been sporting was raging again.Damn Gretchen Christensen. Even a simple thought of the woman had him horny as hell. Well, he’d settle that tonight with the dark-haired dancer.

“Send her back,” he ordered Grant.

“Whoa. Wait.” Grant blocked his path. “I told you she’s one of the good ones. She doesn’t entertain.”

Finn nodded. “Yeah, I heard you. That’s why I want her.”

Grant’s brown eyes narrowed, and he crossed his thick arms over his equally thick chest. “You never sleep with the girls,” he reminded Finn.

Finn shrugged as if him breaking his number one rule was no big deal. “So what? Tonight, I need to get laid. She’s cute and, I’m assuming, clean. I want her. Send her back and we’ll see how she feels about it.”

He didn’t wait for Grant’s response, before he turned on his heel and made his way to the back of the club. Carlisle made sure each girl had a private room. He claimed it was so they’d have a comfortable place to prepare for work and a safe place to crash if they ever drank too much.Bullshit. The rooms were for seduction, plain and simple.

Lilah’s room was easy to find. Unlike the other doors, there were no pictures, no names, no messages, almost as if she hoped no one would notice it. It was dark, like her with her dark hair, black lingerie and dark lips. A contrast to Gretchen with her blond curls and emerald eyes. Gretchen was the light to his own darkness, but this dancer knew the world he inhabited. He might want Gretchen, but he couldn’t taint her light. Tonight he’d settle for someone who lived in the darkness like him.

He opened the door and went inside, closing it behind him. Everything sat in its place. It wouldn’t surprise him if Lilah had never even set foot in the room. No wonder Carlisle thought she was a narc. Most of the girls had clothes tossed over the back of the couch or across the bed. Purses and bags usually lie opened, their contents spilling out, but Lilah’s sat neatly in the corner.