Grandfather walked over to Jade after eating two pieces of cake. "That is the best cake I have ever eaten in my entire life. I only stopped at two pieces because I wouldn't be able to walk anymore if I ate three," he declared.

Jade laughed at that, looking pleased.

Then, to my shock, Grandfather slid an arm around Jade's shoulder and told her he was proud of her. She had proven that she had what it takes to make something fabulous out of nothing more than just a dream. That was what he had to do, and he was very pleased that she could do it, too.

"It proves that you belong in this family," he declared, looking at Jade warmly.

There were side benefits to all of this as well. Jade was able to make some of the payments for Sage's tuition. In addition, my mother hired Sage to be her personal assistant.

At Grandpa's birthday party, Mother pulled me aside. "Thanks for recommending Sage. She had my life in more order than it has ever been. If I didn't know any better, I would think that she had been doing this for years instead of this being her first gig."

I would never have thought that Sage and my mother would get along so well, but they seemed thick as thieves.

Jade had been so busy with everything that I hadn't seen much of her. Finally, she was able to take Saturday night off.

"Robin wants to see the new adventure movie that is coming out. You should come with us," she declared.

"Where at?" I inquired.

"At the movie theater," she answered as though she thought that I must be teasing her. "That's where people go to see new movies."

I grinned at her. "Would you believe me if I told you I've never been to a movie theater?"

"Sadly, yes. Go put on some jeans and a sweater. You are about to experience another first," she ordered.

The whole situation seemed to be surreal. We got to the theater, obtained our tickets, and headed for the refreshments stand.

Robin declared that he would like to have his own drink and bag of popcorn.

"I don't like sharing with Mommy," he informed me. "She eats all the popcorn and doesn't leave anything for me."

Robin got his bag of popcorn and drink, while I got a large bucket and two drinks for Jade and me.

"I'm telling you, Daddy. You are going to be sorry that you didn't get your own. Mommy is going to eat it all," Robin said.

"I don't think she can eat this much," I told him, ruffling his hair.

He gave me a skeptical look that seemed to imply I was in for a rude awakening.

We found the perfect seats; Robin sat on one side of her, and I sat on the other. The ads were interesting, as were the previews of movies.

Then, the theater went dark, and the movie began. Robin was instantly hooked, his eyes glued to the screen as he continuously shoveled fistfuls of popcorn into his mouth. I had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't Jade who ate all the popcorn.

I had no idea what the movie was about, as I couldn't take my eyes off Jade. She slipped her hand into mine, and her warmth flowed through me. My heart almost stopped from the overwhelming emotions that her presence created.

She was relaxed and having a great time. She laughed at the funny parts, which made me smile. I loved seeing her so happy and enjoying life.

Jade's laugh wasn't some fake little tinkling sound that many women expressed. Hers was a genuine laugh of delight, which I found completely intoxicating.

I squeezed her hand, and she looked at me with such emotion that it erased any reservations I might have had.

It took me a while to build up the courage to ask, but I finally did. About halfway through the movie, I leaned over to whisper in her ear. "When you're ready to say 'yes,' I have a question I need to ask you."

She smiled and whispered, "I will say 'yes' to any question you have."

I couldn't resist. I cupped the back of Jade's head with my hand, and my lips came down on hers.

The magic moment was interrupted by a disgusted "ewww" from Robin, causing us to laugh before getting shushed by other movie-goers.