Robin shook his head but had a huge grin, telling me he had no remorse.

"So was Auntie Sage," he said, tattling on his aunt, ignoring her cries of protest.

I couldn't stop smiling. Life was perfect.



Since Jade had agreed to move back in with me, the last few months were the best of my life. Falling asleep next to her allowed me to fall asleep focusing on positive, restful thoughts instead of stressing out about my to-do list for the next day.

For the first time in my life, I have been able to enjoy watching the success of another person's dream. I'd always been so caught up in my own business and making sure that my end ran smoothly that I hadn't paid attention to the hard work put in by small businesses, especially those just starting.

One thing that had not changed at all was Jade's stubbornness. She completed her business plan, which I thought was extremely well done.

I suggested that she allow me to be her financial backer.

At first, she refused until I drew up a formal contract. I would loan her the amount needed to purchase the building, equipment, and everything she would need to get started. After six months, she would make regular payments to repay the loan – plus interest.

I convinced her that it was a business venture on my part. I was investing in a good business, and I would benefit. I presented it to my grandfather, who also thought the plan was very sound, and told her that he thought it was a good idea for us.

His approval won her over, and finally, she agreed to let me be her financial support until she got onto her feet.

Her business took off very quickly. She made some great treats, some of which were different than any other bakery or pastry shop offered.

She was so busy that she had to hire a part-time person to come in and help her within the first month.

"I could always see if Jordan is available," she teased while going through applications.

"Over my dead body," I retorted. "I'll put on an apron and make little pink bows on cupcakes before that happens."

Instead, she hired a young woman who was trying to work her way through college.

Jade's first great success was when she made a Greek mythology birthday cake for a child's birthday party. The child was a fan of Rick Riordan, and Jade was able to decorate the cake with all of the characters from the first book.

I was amazed when I first looked at the cake.

"You are an incredible artist," I said proudly.

"Thank you. I think it tastes pretty decent as well," Jade informed me, her cheeks turning pink with pride.

She stuffed a cupcake into my mouth, made from the same recipe. I had to admit that it was delicious.

Robin and I helped her deliver the cake. In a million years, I would never have imagined that a bunch of preteens would get that excited over a birthday cake. They were all clamoring that they wanted cakes just like that when they had their birthday parties.

Of course, I would never have thought I would be in a position where I would be around a bunch of preteens. Jade introduced me to some new experiences.

On the drive back to the shop, I realized that I probably had many similar experiences. Birthday parties for Robin and all the other ways that kids got together and hung out were looming in my future. Thinking about the amount of energy the group of kids had exuded, I just hoped I could keep up with them all.

My grandfather turned eighty a few months after her first successful birthday cake. Like usual, my mother had to plan a huge celebration for the occasion.

I didn't know that Jade had interviewed my grandfather and found out that he did have interests outside of business, which was a huge surprise for me.

She made him a chocolate cake with creamy white icing. On the top of the cake, she had put on a picture of him when he was a little boy holding a fishing pole. Then, around the cake, she decorated it with pictures of fishing, my grandfather's Corvette, and other things that symbolized my grandfather and the life he had created for himself.

In the short time she had been with me, she discovered that there was more to my grandfather than I would have ever imagined.

Everyone raved about the cake at the party. Since all the high flyers were there, I imagined Jade would be bombarded with more orders than she knew what to do with.