"I guess you have a secret admirer," she stated, sniffing the flowers. "Ooh, they smell so nice."

"Maybe, although I wouldn't know who. I didn't go anywhere to meet anyone," I said, burying my face in the purple blooms and inhaling their sweet fragrance.

"Isn't that the truth," Sage muttered, almost under her breath.

"I hope that Jordan doesn't think that he can sweet talk his way back into my life," I told her, my heart sinking. "He crossed the line, and there's no going back from that."

She smiled at me as though she knew something that I didn't. Before I could question her, she returned to her room to continue studying for her exam.

It briefly crossed my mind that Michael could have been the sender because I remember briefly telling him that purple roses were my favorites. However, I quickly dismissed the thought because I didn't think it would be his style. Michael had never really shown a romantic side like this.

I arranged the flowers on the table next to my work to enjoy them. I might not know who sent them, but I wasn't going to let that deter me from enjoying them to the fullest.

With the room filled with the sweet scent of the blooms, I turned my attention back to my work.

Today was the day that I was putting the finishing touches on my business plan. As much as I resented Daisy barging in and taking over my project, she had helped greatly. I was much further than I would have been if she hadn't made her changes and then begrudgingly told me what I needed to do to strengthen the plan.

I had originally had the plan for a bistro, where I planned on serving meals and drinks, as well as having a bakery. Daisy told me that I needed to pick one or the other. I was going to get in over my head very quickly if I was going to do both at the same time, which decreased my chances for success.

As much as I loved cooking in general, I loved baking even more, so I changed my plans to focus on just opening a bakery. I especially loved the idea of creating original artistic yet delicious cakes for festive occasions.

I was so focused on what I was doing that I didn't hear the doorbell at first.

I didn't even hear Robin enter the room until he tugged my shirt. "Mommy, Auntie Sage asks if you can get the door. She says she is still studying for her test."

I looked at him, confused for a second, and then the doorbell rang again, piercing my hearing.

I stood, stretched, and went to answer the door.

A young, smiling woman stood at the door holding a basket full of purple roses.

After I signed for them and took them into the living room, I searched for the non-existent card, my curiosity demanding to find the answer. I wasn't much for surprises, even if they were supposed to be good surprises.

The room was filled with the sweet fragrance, and Robin inhaled deeply.

"Who are they from, Mommy?" he asked, standing on his tiptoes to peer at the bouquets.

"I don't know," I said, completely baffled.

I put them on the table and admired the beauty of the flowers. The mystery added just a little more excitement to everything.

Despite myself, I found myself wondering what was next. I tried to focus on my presentation, but my mind kept wandering to the mysterious sender.

A half-hour later, the doorbell rang again.

Slightly on edge, I didn't need any prompting from Sage to answer the door. I hoped the answer to the rose mystery would be waiting on the other side of the door.

This time, Michael was standing there, holding a single long-stemmed purple rose. He flashed that sexy smile that always managed to take hold of my heart and held the flower out to me.

I stood there, staring at him for a minute, completely shocked.

He broke the silence.

"May I come in?" he asked.

Wordlessly, I opened the door wider and stepped back, allowing him to enter the room.

"I take it you sent all the other roses that came in this morning," I said, finally finding my voice.